Dear Greta Thunberg, Are Trees Worth More Than Babies? De-fund Planned Parenthood at tfpstudentaction.org/…und-planned-parenthood-forever #GretaThunberg #climatechange Time magazine has announced that …More
Dear Greta Thunberg, Are Trees Worth More Than Babies?

De-fund Planned Parenthood at tfpstudentaction.org/…und-planned-parenthood-forever #GretaThunberg #climatechange Time magazine has announced that this year’s Person of the Year award will go to the 16-year-old Greta Thunberg. The Swedish school-girl-turned-eco-activist has become the poster-girl of the climate change-turned-emergency worldwide. The choice was not surprising, given the media adulation for the girl who has traveled the globe with a minimal carbon footprint. But how will Greta answer this video? Will she ever mention how abortion is destroying the most precious resource on earth? Or mention the need to pray to God? Site: tfpstudentaction.org Instagram: instagram.com/accounts/login/ Facebook: facebook.com/…FPStudentAction?_fb_noscript=1 Twitter: twitter.com/tfpsa Attributions:Ode to the World by Kai Engel is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). Artist: freemusicarchive.org/music/Kai_Engel Source: freemusicarchive.org/…tter_Way_-_07_Ode_to_the_World