This can't be real. (The most passive aggressive and oddly specific prayer intentions you have ever heard in church)
For all the times of having to endure the banality of progressive Catholicism...Lord have mercy.
Sally Dorman shares this
“From a blind attitude over the theft of work zerox paper for personal use, Lord have mercy”
Wilma Lopez
My goodness, what a circus.
Ave Crux
Satire, right....? This can't possibly be real.
Bruceph Mildur
it may not be Catholic, but they sure have their hands full!
That'll be a fine example of the VaticanTwoist religion. Nothing to do with Catholicism. It sounds like how the football results used to be intoned on TV on Saturday evenings. (I guess that would be a "vigil mass" by their standards)
Here in the UK most cradle Catholics have left. My experience is that my uncles and aunts - in their 80s and 90s - mis-remember the old mass. They think it was the same basic thing but done in a language they didn't understand and with the priest "with his back to you". None of them are aware that the two rituals are fundamentally different (propitiatory sacrifice versus table fellowship) nor that …More
Here in the UK most cradle Catholics have left. My experience is that my uncles and aunts - in their 80s and 90s - mis-remember the old mass. They think it was the same basic thing but done in a language they didn't understand and with the priest "with his back to you". None of them are aware that the two rituals are fundamentally different (propitiatory sacrifice versus table fellowship) nor that all 7 sacraments were drastically altered. They see it as just more modern (in a 1960s "groovy" sense and "with it". It seems that catechesis must have been pretty terrible in the 1950s in the dog days just before the ruin instigated by Vatican II. I also know lots of ex-Catholics a little older than me who have become Anglican or Methodist because the Church gives the impression that they're all the same these days... I think we have to come to the conclusion that some very bad people intended this to happen.
Koza Nutria
From tripe such as this, Lord have mercy! (BTW : Nice protestant church service)