CLC Blog

CLC Blog

National 'Pride' Flag Walkout Day is back!

I’m delighted to announce the second annual National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day on June 3rd!

More about that in a moment, but first, I want to share some relevant background…

In 2023, on the heels of a budding parental rebellion against school board indoctrination of children with LGBT propaganda, we launched the first ever National "Pride" Flag Walkout Day to coincide with the first day of June.

Our strategy was to cause classrooms across Canada to be noticeably emptier on the day that most school boards begin a month-long, transgender and homosexual indoctrination campaign.

We hoped that would send a strong message to teachers, principals and elected trustees that parents are fed-up with radical sexual programming being forced on their kids.

We would’ve been happy if schools had experienced just a 10% absence rate.

However, we were blown away by the response we actually got! The parental participation turned out to be far beyond our wildest dreams!

Here are some metrics from last year’s National "Pride" Flag Walkout Day:

  • Depending on the area, absence rates were a staggering 30% to 75%!
  • A minimum of 7 provinces and territories (BC, AB, SK, ON, QC, NB, YK) participated in the National "Pride" Flag Walk-Out Day, with parents keeping their kids home from school in protest.
  • Northwood Public School in Windsor, ON saw 600 out of its 800 students stay home on the first day of “2SLGBTQI+ Pride Month” (as PM Justin Trudeau is fond of calling it).
  • The President of the local teacher's union admitted to the CBC that multiple Windsor area schools had greater than 50% absence rates.
  • In Ottawa, two schools experienced a greater than 60% absence rate, and more than 40% of the desks were empty in nine other schools on the first day of so-called, LGBT “Pride” Month. 
  • In Oakville, ON up to 30% of students in some schools stayed home in protest of the transgender and homosexual "Pride" flag.

That was our inaugural National "Pride" Flag Walkout Day. Clearly, it was a resounding success. But, can we make the second annual event even more powerful?

Can we impact even more schools, in a greater number of cities, towns and provinces to send an unmistakable message of parental rebellion against LGBT sexual grooming?

Join the protest against the Pride Flag on June 3rd!

How it works is simple...

Step 1. Commit your family’s participation

If you have children in a public or Catholic school where the transgender/homosexual Pride flag has been flown, plan to keep your kid(s) home that day. If you’re a grandparent, talk to your grown children about your grandkids participating in this event. Ditto if you’re an aunt, uncle, or Godparent.

Step 2. Confirm the flag raising date

Contact your school principal or vice-principal to confirm whether the flag will be raised on June 3rd or May 31st. The reason I raise this point is because in 2024, June 1st will fall on the weekend. So, some schools may choose to raise the flag on the first school day in June (i.e. Monday, June 3). Other schools might opt to raise the flag a day early, on Friday, May 31st. If you’re unsure which day the flag will be raised, you can pull your child from school on both days.

Step 3. Recruit more families

Share the plan with other families at your school and urge them to do the same. Try to recruit as many families as possible so that the number of absent students is unmistakably noticeable. Just to set a goal for yourself, aim for 1/3 of the student body!

Here’s a flyer to help promote the Walkout Day: DOWNLOAD POSTER

Step 4. Sign–Up and Record Stats

Sign up your intention to participate here, so that we can produce a report afterwards. We won’t divulge any private data. Everything we publish will be anonymized. Enter your stats on our form by clicking here.

More Actions… Pray-In at Catholic Bishops’ Offices

For those of you who are Catholic, another way you can combat the harms of homosexual “Pride Month” is by joining Campaign Life Coalition for a few “pray-ins” we’ve planned on Monday, June 3 at school board and diocesan offices.


Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board
90 Mulberry St
Hamilton, ON
L8R 2C8

Diocese of Hamilton
700 King St. W.
Hamilton, ON
L8P 1C7

- Meet at bridge by Breadalbrane and Hunt Sts. intersection


Toronto Catholic District School Board
Catholic Education Centre
80 Sheppard Avenue East
Toronto, ON
M2N 6E8

Archdiocese of Toronto
1155 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON
M4T 1W2


Ottawa Catholic School Board
570 West Hunt Club Road
Nepean, ON
K2G 3R4


Halton Catholic District School Board 
802 Drury Lane
Burlington, ON
L7R 2Y2


Yonge St south of McDonald's 
Elmvale, ON
L0L 1P0


Niagara Catholic District School Board 
427 Rice Rd
Welland, ON
L3C 7C1

- Please note that this particular pray-in is NOT on Monday, June 3. It is not directly organized by Campaign Life Coalition.  


Just like last year, CLC will supply signs, should you wish to hold one. We will spend an hour quietly and peacefully praying.

Our plea is simple: Make Catholic schools Catholic again. Our prayer is for school board administration and trustees to repent, and for bishops to exercise spiritual leadership in the midst of darkness.

There are church leaders opposing the secular take-over of Catholic schools, but unfortunately, this opposition has often been too muted or subtle.

We need each Catholic bishop to clearly and firmly say: “No institution calling itself ‘Catholic’ within my diocese should be celebrating Pride Month.”

Will those institutions heed such a directive? Maybe or maybe not. But regardless, the directive must be made, and we need to stop wading around in the murky waters of ambiguity.

Even some non-Catholics attended the pray-ins last year, because so many Canadians, of all faith backgrounds, are desperately looking for Catholic institutions like schools and churches to courageously and critically engage our culture.

This culture encourages sexual deviancy and conflicts with our values. We cannot pretend Christianity and Pride are compatible.

Your humble witness at one of these Pray-Ins is a simple but effective way to put your beliefs into action.

If you’d like to organize a pray-in at a location not listed above, please contact our Director of Education and Advocacy, Josie Luetke, at [email protected]. We can provide you instructions, send you signs, and promote the pray-in to all our supporters in your area.

If you cannot attend any of these pray-ins, we still encourage you to devote an hour of prayer for this cause sometime during this month.

As British politician Edmund Burke once said: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

If your family plans to participate in the second annual National "Pride" Flag Walk-Out Day, or in the Bishop's Office Pray-In, please let us know by filling out this form here.

