
Material Cooperation and Funding Planned Parenthood, U.S.A.

From "How the Republican Party Should Fight Planned Parenthood" by Fr. Marcel Guarnizo

Signing a federal budget that includes Planned Parenthood funding is material cooperation but it is morally licit and does not entail moral culpability. This is especially true when they have tried to defund Planned Parenthood. Furthermore a law exists in place forbidding federal dollars from being used for abortions. It is also the case that much of the funds Planned Parenthood receives, will continue to flow, regardless of a shutdown, as they are part of mandatory funding.

Formal cooperation, that is, action which intends to lead specifically to abortion (abortionist, and all who participate in the abortion, legislators passing laws to promote abortion, etc.) is morally illicit. Those who participate in these activities are guilty of formal cooperation. But this is not the case for those pro-life Republicans who vote for the funding of the federal budget.

For legislators at the federal level, there is no sin, no moral fault, no lack of resolve in signing a federal budget for the most powerful nation in the world, when no matter how many times they may vote, there exists no legal procedure to impede the coercive political force of the pro-abortion Democrats in Congress from forcing America to subsidize Planned Parenthood, yet again. This is not something new.

If some are absolutely committed to no funding-“not one more penny to Planned Parenthood regardless of any consequences”-then they should put their actions behind their elevated rhetoric. Their mantra should be “Stop Paying Taxes-Defund Planned Parenthood Now.”

Read the full article here: