He is a sodomitic evil. Shame on him.
Working hard to promote pedophilia. Priests like this used to be sent to remote monasteries to do penance for the rest of their lives.
la verdad prevalece
@Marysrose: (Blase Cupich) "Trabajando duro para promover la pedofilia. Sacerdotes como este solían ser enviados a monasterios remotos para hacer penitencia por el resto de sus vidas".
la verdad prevalece
@Marysrose: (Blase Cupich) "Lavorare duramente per promuovere la pedofilia. Preti come questo venivano mandati in remoti monasteri a fare penitenza per il resto della loro vita.
la verdad prevalece
He is a hustler who lives for free with the money that comes out of our pocket. That is why the Apocalypse calls the anti-church Harlot.
2 Peter 2: 3 And in their greed they will exploit you with deceptive words. Their condemnation, pronounced against them long ago, has not been idle, and their destruction is not asleep.
la verdad prevalece
We should sue this impostor for fraud.
la verdad prevalece
With Bergoglio´s complicity this impostor has appropriated Catholic property to sell the churches to the freemasons and has marketed them to turn them into warehouses and parking lots.
la verdad prevalece
This man is a miserable swindler who receives salary for his betrayal.