
Francis' Pachamama Concert: What Do the Crossed Arms Mean?

The Gloria.tv report about the Pachamama catechesis during the Vatican's Christmas concert - with bishops crossing their arms over their chests in order to "feel" the "heart of Mother Earth" - provoked …More
The Gloria.tv report about the Pachamama catechesis during the Vatican's Christmas concert - with bishops crossing their arms over their chests in order to "feel" the "heart of Mother Earth" - provoked an international outcry.
The pictures of the cross-armed bishops reminded some observers of similar gestures during Masonic rituals (picture below).
The shepherd pictured on Cardinal Bergoglio's golden and Francis silver pectoral cross also makes this gesture.
Gesù è con noi
TIA: The fact that --- Francis did not choose a new cross, but kept the one he had as Archbishop, seems to reveal that he does not consider the dignity of a Pope to be essentially higher than that of a Bishop. This also is confirmed by his insistence on being called Bishop of Rome, instead of Pope.
Claudius Cartapus
He keeps his cross of bishop, he is always a bishop… but Benedict XVI is always the pope !