12 pages
On the Vice of Impurity by Saint Alphonsus Liguori. On the Vice of Impurity by Saint Alphonsus LiguoriMore
On the Vice of Impurity by Saint Alphonsus Liguori.
On the Vice of Impurity
by Saint Alphonsus Liguori
Condemnation of the Sin of Sodomy
from Liber Gomorrhianus
by St. Peter Damian

✍️ The vice of sodomy "surpasses the enormity of all others," because: "Without fail, it brings death to the body and destruction to the soul. It pollutes the flesh, extinguishes the light of the mind, expels the Holy Spirit from the temple of the human heart, and gives entrance to the devil, the stimulator of lust: It …More
Condemnation of the Sin of Sodomy
from Liber Gomorrhianus
by St. Peter Damian

✍️ The vice of sodomy "surpasses the enormity of all others," because: "Without fail, it brings death to the body and destruction to the soul. It pollutes the flesh, extinguishes the light of the mind, expels the Holy Spirit from the temple of the human heart, and gives entrance to the devil, the stimulator of lust: It leads to error, totally removes truth from the deluded mind . . . It opens up Hell and closes the gates of Paradise . . . It is this vice that violates temperance, slays modesty, strangles chastity, and slaughters virginity . . . It defiles all things, sullies all things, pollutes all things . . .
"This vice excludes a man from the assembled choir of the Church . . . it separates the soul from God to associate it with demons: This utterly diseased queen of Sodom renders him who obeys the laws of her tyranny infamous to men and odious to God . . . She strips her knights of the armor of virtue, exposing them to be pierced by the spears of every vice. . .
She humiliates her slave in the church and condemns him in court; she defiles him in secret and dishonors him in public; she gnaws at his conscience like a worm and consumes his flesh like fire . . . this unfortunate man [he] is deprived of all moral sense, his memory fails, and the mind's vision is darkened.
Unmindful of God, he also forgets his own identity. This disease erodes the foundation of faith, saps the vitality of hope, dissolves the bond of love. It makes way with justice, demolishes fortitude, removes temperance, and blunts the edge of prudence.

✍️ Regarding this vice among clerics
"For God's sake, why do you damnable sodomites pursue the heights of ecclesiastical dignity with such fiery ambition?" . . . . "lest by your prayers you more sharply provoke Him Whom your wicked life so obviously offends."
OVB 6282679152
Please have mercy and pity my afflicted soul. I am addicted to my vices but I mean no disrespect by trying to change and when I fail. I do not mean to upset God or any angels by praying or aiming to be with my lost loved ones in heaven. I am worried that the hold on me is so strong that I still run back to my old ways. At what point do we know to give up trying to go to heaven and be good ? When do …More
Please have mercy and pity my afflicted soul. I am addicted to my vices but I mean no disrespect by trying to change and when I fail. I do not mean to upset God or any angels by praying or aiming to be with my lost loved ones in heaven. I am worried that the hold on me is so strong that I still run back to my old ways. At what point do we know to give up trying to go to heaven and be good ? When do we know to let go for the sake of heavens safety, to protect the good in the world and in heaven? I do sometimes think how wonderful it would be to be with my family in heaven but would it be fair and would I even deserve it and what could it cost? I love God and I love heaven… I would never dream of being an entry point for demons to enter their sanctuary because I am afflicted by sins of the flesh..please, guide me and if you can, pray for me. I am scared. I am very scared. I am hoping reading this book and making a habit of it will save me from the fiery pits of hell and my ways…. My ways that are entangled in sex and running back to someone who is not necessarily bad but together we sin and it is exquisite to me in the moments but in the aftermath it is most scary…. Please help. I want to be rid of my demons but am struggling to get them to release the hold on me they have that is planted like roots deep in my mind or clutches me the way snakes wrap around legs… I’m very scared