Gay Ideology Is an Objective Evil. Mainstream: The gentleman next to Pope Francis who looks like the teller of your local bank, was elected the new superior general of the Marist Brothers. His name is …More
Gay Ideology Is an Objective Evil.
Mainstream: The gentleman next to Pope Francis who looks like the teller of your local bank, was elected the new superior general of the Marist Brothers. His name is Ernesto Sánchez and he is from Mexico. The Chapter which elected Sánchez was for the first time not held in the General House in Rome but in Rionegro, Colombia. This was done in order to follow Francis’ advice to go to the –quote – “peripheries of the world”. It is not known what extra cost this gesture produced.
Emasculated Academy: Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, a liberal relativist, has claimed that being pro-life is not specifically tight to fighting the killing of unborn babies. Talking to agensir.it he gave the impression that his Pontifical Academy for Life will in the future embark in a general, nonspecific – quote – “defense of the dignity of life”. This new course will embrace the usual mainstream causes like immigration, nuclear threat, arms traffickers, health, poverty or ecology …More
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