On May 30, 2010, Our Lady of the Pine forewarned the world about Bergoglio, the imposter, who backed by the forces of the antichrist would introduce apostasy into the Church, cause a schism and change the mass to contain his horrible new religion....

May 30, 2010, Our Lady of the Pine forewarned the world about Bergoglio, the imposter

Here at the From Rome Blog private unapproved revelations are not normally discussed. But when an as-of-yet unapproved …
Three Corrections, Frà Alexis Bugnolo. First, I was asking Maccabean Uprising to clarify his opinion on the Papacy and you certainly aren't that party. Which leads us to.. Second, it's not my premise. Nor is its validity necessary to the question I asked. Third, He's Pope Emeritus now and the title was his own choice.