
Archbishop: “Christ Becomes Bread” [Not “Bread Becomes Christ”]

Transubstantiation is “the mystery of the Lord made bread for us," Lima's Pachamama Archbishop Carlos Castillo Mattasoglio, Peru, rambled during a diocesan gathering in January. The Catholic teaching …More
Transubstantiation is “the mystery of the Lord made bread for us," Lima's Pachamama Archbishop Carlos Castillo Mattasoglio, Peru, rambled during a diocesan gathering in January.
The Catholic teaching is the other way round: bread becomes Christ's body because transubstantiation changes the bread's substance into the substance of Christ's body (CCC 1376).
However, Mattasoglio may only have parroted Francis who claimed in June that "Jesus becomes bread."
O Maoleoin
Francis is the Pope of the Novus Ordo.