“Eine Million Kinder beten den Rosenkranz” Weltweites Rosenkranzgebet Am 18. Oktober beten Kinder auf der ganzen Welt das traditionelle Gebet. KIRCHE IN NOT ruft auch in diesem Jahr zur Teilnahme an …More
“Eine Million Kinder beten den Rosenkranz”
Weltweites Rosenkranzgebet
Am 18. Oktober beten Kinder auf der ganzen Welt das traditionelle Gebet.
KIRCHE IN NOT ruft auch in diesem Jahr zur Teilnahme an der Aktion “Eine Million Kinder beten den Rosenkranz” auf. In aller Welt werden am Donnerstag, 18. Oktober, um 9 Uhr Ortszeit Kinder aller Altersstufen den Schulunterricht unterbrechen, um sich im Gebet für Einheit und Frieden zu vereinen.
Die Kinder-Rosenkranz-Aktion ist 2005 in Venezuela entstanden und hat sich seitdem um die ganze Welt verbreitet. Die Initiatoren vertrauen auf einen Ausspruch des heiligen Paters Pio, der lautet: “Wenn eine Million Kinder den Rosenkranz beten, wird die Welt sich verändern.” So ist die Initiative auch zu ihrem Namen und ihrem Ziel gekommen.
KIRCHE IN NOT unterstützt die Aktion in Deutschland mit Faltblättern und Plakaten, die zusammen mit einer Broschüre, in dem das Rosenkranzgebet näher erklärt wird, unentgeltlich bestellt werden können bei:
Hermann Josef
"I do believe, help my unbelief!"
Faith is the virtue that Our Lord most often rewards and praises. Sometimes he praises love, as in the case of Mary Magdalen (Lk 7,37). Sometimes humility, but these are rare cases, and it is nearly always faith that earns his approval and reward. Why is this? No doubt because it is the most important of the virtues, if not the greatest, for it is the foundation …More
"I do believe, help my unbelief!"

Faith is the virtue that Our Lord most often rewards and praises. Sometimes he praises love, as in the case of Mary Magdalen (Lk 7,37). Sometimes humility, but these are rare cases, and it is nearly always faith that earns his approval and reward. Why is this? No doubt because it is the most important of the virtues, if not the greatest, for it is the foundation of all the others, including charity, and it is the rarest of all.

To have real faith, faith that inspires all one's actions, and faith in the supernatural which tears the mask from the world and sees God in everything, which makes all things possible, which takes all meaning out of such words as worry, peril, fear, which makes us pass through life calmly, peacefully, happily, like a child holding its mother's hand, which gives the soul perfect detachment from all material things, shewing it their emptiness and puerility; which gives to prayer the confidence of a child asking something he deserves from his father; a faith to which “all is falsehood except to do the will of God”; a faith that makes all appear in a new light, so that we see people in the likeness of God making us love them and respect them as the counterfoils of our Beloved, and do them all the good we can. It will help us to regard all other living things as aids to the winning of Heaven, for we can always give God praise for them, or use them, or renounce them. Faith will shew us the greatness of God and our own littleness. It will make us undertake whatever is pleasing to God without hesitation or false shame or fear and without looking back. Ah! such faith is rare indeed. My God, give me this faith; my God, I believe, help thou my unbelief; my God, let me believe and love.

Monday of the Seventh week in Ordinary Time - Commentary of the day:

Blessed Charles de Foucauld (1858-1916), hermit and missionary in the Sahara, Meditations on the Gospels (trans. Charlotte Balfour, 1930)


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