Saint Albertus Magnus (Albert the Great) - November 15 PRINCIPIA - all the knowledge of the universe November 15 Saint Albert the Great Doctor of the Church (1207-1280) Saint Albert the Great was born …More
Saint Albertus Magnus (Albert the Great) - November 15
PRINCIPIA - all the knowledge of the universe November 15 Saint Albert the Great
Doctor of the Church

Saint Albert the Great was born in the region of Ausgbourg, of parents rich in the goods of fortune. From the time he was a child, he manifested in his studies an unusual aptitude for the exact sciences. While he was still a boy, he had himself let down the side of a cliff to examine at close range an eagle's nest which interested him. At the age of fifteen he was already a student of the natural sciences and the humanities at Bologna; Saint Dominic had died in that city the preceding year, 1221, and was buried in the Dominican Convent. Their house, in a suburban area of Bologna, was closely associated with the activities at the University, and students in large numbers were requesting admission to the Order.
Blessed Reginald of Orleans, Dominican, a former professor in Paris, came to preach there in the streets. The …More