Gloria Internacional del 20 de febrero del 2015 Ver Completo enlace: Gloria Global am 20. Februar 2015 Vaticano. El martes, Francisco recibió en audiencia al clero romano. En el turno de preguntas, se …More
Gloria Internacional del 20 de febrero del 2015
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Gloria Global am 20. Februar 2015
El martes, Francisco recibió en audiencia al clero romano. En el turno de preguntas, se elevó el matrimonio para los sacerdotes. Francisco contestó, cito: “El asunto está en mi agenda.”
Obispos chilenos participaron en un ritual pagano:
Obispos chilenos participaron en un ritual pagano público con sus casullas y sus mitras. Los usuarios de Facebook „Novus Ordo Insider“ ha publicado numerosas fotos. El culto de los obispos fue dirigido a tres ídolos - el dios del sol Tata Inti , al ídolo la diosa tierra Pachamama y al dios montaña Mallkus.
Líder parroquial suiza duda sacramentos y dogmas: Suiza. La líder de la parroquia Lucerna Sylvia Huber dijo a la televisión suiza que los homosexuales son bendecidos en diversas parroquias suizas. Por otra parte, Huber explícitamente no cree que la Iglesia católica puede realizarse únicamente en el contexto de los sacramentos o los dogmas. …More
Francis is demeaning our Church. He open this door of perdition when he gave the blessing to the pagan idol "the coca leaves"; that Argentina Indians believe are sacred and are used for divination. Plus this is the main element to produce cocaine one of the main drugs destroying people around the world.
Sex change in children by Francis indigenous friend and promotion of homosexuality
Francis is demeaning our Church. He open this door of perdition when he gave the blessing to the pagan idol "the coca leaves"; that Argentina Indians believe are sacred and are used for divination. Plus this is the main element to produce cocaine one of the main drugs destroying people around the world.
Sex change in children by Francis indigenous friend and promotion of homosexuality
This is a subversive group that receives money from the government because they have extorted and threatened to kill and burn the house of government.

Plus Milagros Salas is an Marxist and a progay activist:
"joined the celebration of Gay Pride Day" "to support peer of different sexuality , because we feel that we are all living in a democracy and we must all be equal and that there must be no difference at all.''

Milagro Sala is the heads of the Tupac Amaru neighborhood association:
Milagros Salas"joined the celebration of Gay Pride Day" "to support peer of different sexuality , because we feel that we are all living in a democracy and we must all be equal and that there must be no difference at all.'' At the 15 years old she discovered that was adopted and that her biological mother had abandoned her in a cardboard box in front of a hospital. She left the house where she was raised. She lived for years among hustlers, drug dealers, thieves and prostitutes. She was a shoe shiner, robbed with her friends, and abused narcotics; at age 18 she was caught and jailed. There, she organized a hunger strike that resulted in her being allowed to cook for her fellow female prisoners, with better food at equal cost. She gained nationwide notoriety for the power she obtained in the Province of Jujuy through the Asociacion barrial Tupac Amaru (Tupac Amaru neighborhood association).This NGO manages a 200 million peso (us$50 million) budget, at least 40 vehicles, and over 300 firearms registered in RENAR. She’s also had charges filed for death threats and destruction of property by Senator Gerardo Morales Tupac Amaru receives 7.9 million pesos (us$1.9 million) per month for public housing construction subsidies from the National Government.[7] It includes 70,000 affiliates, whose membership is requisite in keeping their children in school, where applicable. Members form housing cooperatives through which government subsidies are channeled, and which completed 3,000 housing units by the end of 2009.[6] The organization also manages six factories employing 5,000 workers in the construction material, tool and die, and textile industries. It maintains two schools and a clinic equipped with a MRI scanner. The political ideology of the Tupac Amaru organization is represented by the historical figures of Tupac Amaru, Che Guevara and Eva Perón.[8] They consider themselves indigienista, proclaiming the government of Bolivian President Evo Morales as a political model. Sala attributes many of the accusations against the group and herself to racism, affirming that "we will be investigated, while there was corruption among companies. I am dark skinned, and a Kolla, but I´m not stupid.