31st day of "Month of Mary", prayer book by Bl. Francisco Palau OCD. I. The great crown of all the flowers of May. We have already finished our work. All the flowers of the month of May are already in …More
31st day of "Month of Mary", prayer book by Bl. Francisco Palau OCD.
I. The great crown of all the flowers of May. We have already finished our work. All the flowers of the month of May are already in the circle circumscribed by the finger of God. Let us examine now our work and let us contemplate it. Have we been careless? Are there in our fields, valleys, mountains, hills, meadows and banks any of the flowers of the cheerful season that do not embellish, adorn, strike our sight and perfume our great crown? If you see it, if you find it, pick it up and put it together with one of the thirty bouquets that will enclose and complete them. Let us celebrate now the complement of our work
II. The crown of glory due to the merit of the virtues
2. The crown the saints bear in heaven is due to them and given to them in exchange for the virtues they have earned on earth. The flowers on that crown are the emblems of our virtues. All of them are tied around the golden circle traced over our heads …More
Very beautiful - into your hand I leave my crown - into your sacred hands I commend my virtues, guard them, protect them, water them, cultivate them and perfect them. AMEN.