
EXCLUSIVE Cardinal Pell: “The final document is much better than what we feared”

Yesterday, Cardinal George Pell commented on the final document of the Synod on the Family at the general assembly of the Una Voce Federation that was also taking place in Rome. Pell said, that the …More
Yesterday, Cardinal George Pell commented on the final document of the Synod on the Family at the general assembly of the Una Voce Federation that was also taking place in Rome. Pell said, that the Synod was „very hard work“.
The final document contained 94 paragraphs. Most of them were not controversial. The paragraphs 84, 85 and 86 had substantial minorities opposing them:
84: 187 yes and 72 no.
85: 178 yes and 80 no.
86: 190 yes and 64 no.
According to Pell a minority of bishops objected because they thought that the true teaching was not taught explicitly enough. He excused the Synod fathers with the argument that they - although they happen to be bishops - “have never done any or much Thomistic philosophy”.
Pell saw a danger in the paragraph about conscience because people could use “conscience” and then “do what they want”. But the paragraph about conscience was rewritten in the last days: “You need to study it, but it is basically good.”
According to Pell, the Synod did not focus …More
so you see... you never needed to attack the bishops and pope... catholic doctrine is upheld and God is in control, no need to worry-
Pius X said that lay people have no right to pass judgment on bishops, but that belongs to those who are above them in authority.
"On the other hand, to pass judgment upon or to rebuke the acts of Bishops does not at all belong to private individuals - that comes …More
so you see... you never needed to attack the bishops and pope... catholic doctrine is upheld and God is in control, no need to worry-

Pius X said that lay people have no right to pass judgment on bishops, but that belongs to those who are above them in authority.

"On the other hand, to pass judgment upon or to rebuke the acts of Bishops does not at all belong to private individuals - that comes within the province only of those higher than they in authority and especially of the Sovereign Pontiff, for to him Christ entrusted the charge of feeding not only His lambs, but His sheep throughout the world. At most, it is allowed in matters of grave complaint to refer the whole case to the Roman Pontiff, and this with prudence and moderation as zeal for the common good requires, not clamorously or abusively, for in this way dissensions and hostilities are bred, or certainly increased."-Pius X, Tribus Circiter, 1906