
The Virgin's Name was Mary. St. Bonaventure teaches β€œthis most holy, sweet, and worthy name was …

Other than Christ our Lord, no one loves us more than the Blessed Virgin Mary. St. Bernard asserts that those who honor her daily will assuredly be saved.
Other than Christ our Lord, no one loves us more than the Blessed Virgin Mary. St. Bernard asserts that those who honor her daily will assuredly be saved.


DeclaraciΓ³n del Director de la Oficina de Prensa a propΓ³sito de la entrevista de Mons. Charamsa

Catholics must condemn and in no way overlook the negative consequences that can derive from the ordination of persons, like Monsignor Krzysztof Charamsa, with homosexual tendencies.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church confirms the teaching of the Church on homosexuality. Regarding homosexual acts the Church teaches that Sacred Scripture presents them as grave sins; and the Church has constantly …More
Catholics must condemn and in no way overlook the negative consequences that can derive from the ordination of persons, like Monsignor Krzysztof Charamsa, with homosexual tendencies.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church confirms the teaching of the Church on homosexuality. Regarding homosexual acts the Church teaches that Sacred Scripture presents them as grave sins; and the Church has constantly considered homosexual acts as intrinsically immoral and contrary to the natural law. Consequently, under no circumstance can they be approved.


PapieΕΌ Franciszek spotkaΕ‚ siΔ™ z papieΕΌycΔ™

On account of his great dignity, Pope Francis is called, Papa, Vicar of Christ, Holy Father, His Holiness, and on account of the opening words of Christ’s speech to St. Peter β€œBlessed art thou,” etc. (Matt. 16:17) the Pope is addressed as Beatissime Pater.
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On account of his great dignity, Pope Francis is called, Papa, Vicar of Christ, Holy Father, His Holiness, and on account of the opening words of Christ’s speech to St. Peter β€œBlessed art thou,” etc. (Matt. 16:17) the Pope is addressed as Beatissime Pater.

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Raphael, Gabriel and Michael. Father Reto Nay 29th of September 2015

Dear Father Reto, Through the intercession of the most blessed Immaculate Virgin, may the Light of the Gospel continue to shine upon you.
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Dear Father Reto, Through the intercession of the most blessed Immaculate Virgin, may the Light of the Gospel continue to shine upon you.

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Gloria.TV News on the 25th of September 2015

It is the lack of charity for the Holy Father Pope Francis and the Catholic Church that concerns me; sadly this media is becoming a main voice for schismatics, SSPV, Sedevecantist, hypocritical SPX, the β€œpre-concilliar Church was the only perfect Church on earth” crowd, and other mythologies, and the conspiracy theorists crowd too.
For my part, those views must be shunned and withstood, it is the …More
It is the lack of charity for the Holy Father Pope Francis and the Catholic Church that concerns me; sadly this media is becoming a main voice for schismatics, SSPV, Sedevecantist, hypocritical SPX, the β€œpre-concilliar Church was the only perfect Church on earth” crowd, and other mythologies, and the conspiracy theorists crowd too.

For my part, those views must be shunned and withstood, it is the obligation of a good Catholic to do so, and I am pleased to know that a truly Catholic member, like @Dr Stuart Reiss, takes to the zealous defense of the Holy Father and the Church; and does not stand by silent and unmoved.

Also, don’t worry about the deleted comments @Dr Stuart Reiss; I would wear them as a badge of courage!

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Gloria.TV News on the 25th of September 2015

apvs, I admit to grave concerns within the Hierarchy and also admit to great grace and blessings within the Hierarchy also; and for that reason I will not despair, knowing that the Catholic Church is indestructible; it will remain till the end of the world, for Our Lord said: β€œThe gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18). Of all the persecutors of the Catholic Church none have ever …More
apvs, I admit to grave concerns within the Hierarchy and also admit to great grace and blessings within the Hierarchy also; and for that reason I will not despair, knowing that the Catholic Church is indestructible; it will remain till the end of the world, for Our Lord said: β€œThe gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18). Of all the persecutors of the Catholic Church none have ever succeeded against Her; Christ ever comes to Her help.


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Gloria.TV News on the 25th of September 2015

Saint Catherine of Siena was a Scholastic philosopher and theologian, and was later proclaimed a Doctor of the Church; and in no way would she ever dare to spread any criticism, ridicule or sneer of the Holy Father publicly far and wide as this Gloria.Tv report does; this report, and the low rate prejudicial political commentators Napolitano and Buchanan, is what must be questioned!
One must take …More
Saint Catherine of Siena was a Scholastic philosopher and theologian, and was later proclaimed a Doctor of the Church; and in no way would she ever dare to spread any criticism, ridicule or sneer of the Holy Father publicly far and wide as this Gloria.Tv report does; this report, and the low rate prejudicial political commentators Napolitano and Buchanan, is what must be questioned!

One must take great care with their faith and not reject Pope Francis, the Vicar of Christ, so that they do not find themselves rejected by Christ Our Lord!


Gloria.TV News on the 25th of September 2015

It is incredulous to claim genuine faith in the Sacred Liturgy, while at the same time advancing discontent, ridicule, attacks, and disobedience for the Holy Father. Obedience to the Holy Father Pope Francis is at the heart of the life of the Catholic Church; he has precedence of honor and jurisdiction over the whole Church, and has always exercised supreme power in the Church, and that power has …More
It is incredulous to claim genuine faith in the Sacred Liturgy, while at the same time advancing discontent, ridicule, attacks, and disobedience for the Holy Father. Obedience to the Holy Father Pope Francis is at the heart of the life of the Catholic Church; he has precedence of honor and jurisdiction over the whole Church, and has always exercised supreme power in the Church, and that power has always been acknowledged by the Catholic; only ridiculed by the heretic, disobedient, and protestant.


Gloria.TV News on the 25th of September 2015

As much as I am always ready to admit that Gloria.TV is a premiere Catholic media, this news report, filled with sneers at the Holy Father Pope Francis, does not bear the stamp of truth; it fails to adhere to Catholic principles and pronounces an undue verdict on the Holy Father. The effect of this news report is to gradually undermine the faith and to promote discontent for the Holy Father Pope …More
As much as I am always ready to admit that Gloria.TV is a premiere Catholic media, this news report, filled with sneers at the Holy Father Pope Francis, does not bear the stamp of truth; it fails to adhere to Catholic principles and pronounces an undue verdict on the Holy Father. The effect of this news report is to gradually undermine the faith and to promote discontent for the Holy Father Pope Francis. The report is irksome and distasteful to the Catholic; it has the effect of overrating the critics and lowrating the Holy Father...

May God Bless the Holy Father Pope Francis. Let us pray for the Holy Father, through the intercession of the most blessed Immaculate Virgin.


Gloria.TV News on the 25th of September 2015

RafaΕ‚_Ovile, First, you state, "Even heretic Luter had the honor and guts to leave". Yet Martin Luther did not leave the church in honor, he was excommunicated (1520), and also outlawed by the emperor and his heresy spread and led to many religious wars; and it all started when Luther took offense because he was not sufficiently held in esteem at Rome. Among his chief errors he proposed there was …More
RafaΕ‚_Ovile, First, you state, "Even heretic Luter had the honor and guts to leave". Yet Martin Luther did not leave the church in honor, he was excommunicated (1520), and also outlawed by the emperor and his heresy spread and led to many religious wars; and it all started when Luther took offense because he was not sufficiently held in esteem at Rome. Among his chief errors he proposed there was no supreme teaching power in the Church.

With regards to Andrew Napolitano and Pat Buchanan, they are both political commentators and columnist and extoll only ideas of political conservatism and their views lay on a low horizontal plane as it compares to the lofty and vertical ideas of the Catholic Church and the Holy Father Pope Francis. Moreover, it cannot be denied that the media commentators, Napolitano and Buchanan, have the opposite tendencies socially, politically, economically, and theoretically than the Holy Father; which is keen and precise in the teachings of the Holy Catholic Church.

At last, as much as I agree and praise for their Catholic role in the media, and even their role in Catholic tradition, we must be sensible of the corrupting influence that is exercised on the Catholic Church and the Holy Father by media critics; in this case Napolitano, Buchanan, and Malkin. In Domino.

May God Bless the Holy Father Pope Francis. Let us pray for His Holiness Pope Francis, through the intercession of the most blessed Immaculate Virgin.

Gloria.TV News on the 25th of September 2015

Dr Stuart Reiss and Lindsaywtf, Although your comments did not appeal to the moderators, they surely appealed to Our Lord and His most blessed Mother.
May God Bless the Vicar of Christ; Pope Francis.
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Dr Stuart Reiss and Lindsaywtf, Although your comments did not appeal to the moderators, they surely appealed to Our Lord and His most blessed Mother.

May God Bless the Vicar of Christ; Pope Francis.

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Gloria.TV News on the 25th of September 2015

This low rate criticism of the Holy Father Pope Francis, coming from Napolitano, Buchanan, and Malkin, is very uninteresting and despicable; and serves only to foster and encourage evil propensities toward the Holy Father. These society media commentators are pandering to a prejudicial base, reporting every scandal in religion, and political feuds; such is the pabulum too often provided by the media …More
This low rate criticism of the Holy Father Pope Francis, coming from Napolitano, Buchanan, and Malkin, is very uninteresting and despicable; and serves only to foster and encourage evil propensities toward the Holy Father. These society media commentators are pandering to a prejudicial base, reporting every scandal in religion, and political feuds; such is the pabulum too often provided by the media. The truth today is that a large and growing proportion of the countless evils of the day and the unhappy consequence of society are to be ascribed to the media; the media has fallen low on the ethical scale. The Church and the Holy Father exhort the faithful to counter the corrupting influence of the media and the world and to follow Christ.

May God Bless the Holy Father Pope Francis. Let us pray for His Holiness Pope Francis, through the intercession of the most blessed Immaculate Virgin.

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Pope Francis on the Family. Here's what Pope Francis REALLY believes about family

Let us pray for His Holiness Pope Francis, through the intercession of the most blessed Immaculate Virgin.
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Let us pray for His Holiness Pope Francis, through the intercession of the most blessed Immaculate Virgin.

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Speech of Pope Francis to Congress of USA

Let us pray for His Holiness Pope Francis, through the intercession of the most blessed Immaculate Virgin.
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Let us pray for His Holiness Pope Francis, through the intercession of the most blessed Immaculate Virgin.

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Gloria.TV News on the 25th of September 2015

As expected of Napolitano, Buchanan, and Malkin, they put their disapproval, contempt, self interest, politics and markets before the Holy Father and the Catholic faith; yet the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis gave blessings to everyone in the USA and to the whole world, to all men and women of good will; and people have been encouraged to profess their faith openly and carry into practice the …More
As expected of Napolitano, Buchanan, and Malkin, they put their disapproval, contempt, self interest, politics and markets before the Holy Father and the Catholic faith; yet the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis gave blessings to everyone in the USA and to the whole world, to all men and women of good will; and people have been encouraged to profess their faith openly and carry into practice the maxims of the Gospel as the Holy Father Pope Francis does. The Catholic Church, Religion and Faith are at a higher ebb today on his account and people will be more ready to take park in doing what is good.

Let us pray for His Holiness Pope Francis, through the intercession of the most blessed Immaculate Virgin.

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Should Catholics Attend the New Mass? - Part II of II - Episode 15 SSPX FAQ Videos

Ben Martin, CowboyKen, and Dr. John Smythe, Your postings have publicly proclaimed far and wide that you belong to the class of heretics and schismatics who accept, or profess to accept, all Catholic doctrine, but will not acknowledge the supremacy of the Holy See; and the authority of the Second Vatican Council. Your object here has been not to spread the faith in its purity, but to satisfy your …More
Ben Martin, CowboyKen, and Dr. John Smythe, Your postings have publicly proclaimed far and wide that you belong to the class of heretics and schismatics who accept, or profess to accept, all Catholic doctrine, but will not acknowledge the supremacy of the Holy See; and the authority of the Second Vatican Council. Your object here has been not to spread the faith in its purity, but to satisfy your own pride and evil inclinations for support of SSPX, SSPV, or Sedevacantist. You look at the Holy Catholic Church as Satan does; always attacking the Pope, just as all the great enemies of the Catholic Church do. You are Protestant, not Catholic; and being what you say you are against makes you a hypocrite as well.

Our Lord, Jesus Christ, gave an example of every kind of sinner be saved, except for the Pharisee; and why? Because he was a hypocrite! Of heretics St. Paul says, that they are condemned by their own judgements (Tit. 3:11). Men are too often cowards as well and turn their backs on the Bride of Christ.

You three, actually two, CowboyKen, and Dr. John Smythe are one and the same, forget too, that when fanatics, like yourselves, question us about our faith in such a manner, we are not bound to answer you, we can refuse to answer and turn away. For we should always try and avoid wrangling discussions and controversies about the Catholic Faith which may do harm and embitter someone against the Church. It is our desire, Gregory and Dr Stuart Reiss, to let people know that we are Catholics, and openly profess our Catholic faith to help others to know Christ better and to honor Him more.

Mark 6:11

Should Catholics Attend the New Mass? - Part II of II - Episode 15 SSPX FAQ Videos

Dr Stuart Reiss, With the press of a key the moderator seems to have edited the parts of Ben Martin’s comments that reviled the Holy Father and the Church, while leaving the sneers and sarcasm; poisoned words were the means of driving Eve out of paradise!
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Dr Stuart Reiss, With the press of a key the moderator seems to have edited the parts of Ben Martin’s comments that reviled the Holy Father and the Church, while leaving the sneers and sarcasm; poisoned words were the means of driving Eve out of paradise!

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Should Catholics Attend the New Mass? - Part II of II - Episode 15 SSPX FAQ Videos

Ben Martin, It is my great privilege to belong to the Holy Catholic Church; for She is the Bride of Christ; and the Pope is the rock on which the Church rest (Matt.16:18); at present His Holiness Pope Francis.
Christo et EcclesiaeMore
Ben Martin, It is my great privilege to belong to the Holy Catholic Church; for She is the Bride of Christ; and the Pope is the rock on which the Church rest (Matt.16:18); at present His Holiness Pope Francis.

Christo et Ecclesiae

Should Catholics Attend the New Mass? - Part II of II - Episode 15 SSPX FAQ Videos

Ben Martin, The Holy Father Pope Francis is called β€œVicar of Christ”, He is the rock on which the Church rest (Matt. 16:18); and the Vatican Council declares that it is the will of Christ that till the end of the world there be successors to St. Peter; a hallmark of Catholicism.
As a Catholic I cannot take kindly and remain silent and unmoved by your sins against the Catholic faith; you are being …More
Ben Martin, The Holy Father Pope Francis is called β€œVicar of Christ”, He is the rock on which the Church rest (Matt. 16:18); and the Vatican Council declares that it is the will of Christ that till the end of the world there be successors to St. Peter; a hallmark of Catholicism.

As a Catholic I cannot take kindly and remain silent and unmoved by your sins against the Catholic faith; you are being incredulous, apostate, and schismatic on all grounds, namely by rejecting the Holy Father and leading people away from the Catholic Church.

Ben Martin, are you SSPX, SSPV, or Sedevacantist? Instead of holding on to the Catholic faith and living it out in holiness, you have abandoned the Bride of Christ and are doing what you say you are against.

Veritatem in Caritate

Should Catholics Attend the New Mass? - Part II of II - Episode 15 SSPX FAQ Videos

Dr. John Smythe, The Holy Catholic Church has clarified the matter, His Holiness John Paul II made the grave error of the SSPX well know, the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI has published his clarification on the SSPX, and His Holiness Pope Francis pointed to his concern for reconciliation with SSPX just last week. The whole world seems to know what you cannot accept; that the SSPX are not members of …More
Dr. John Smythe, The Holy Catholic Church has clarified the matter, His Holiness John Paul II made the grave error of the SSPX well know, the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI has published his clarification on the SSPX, and His Holiness Pope Francis pointed to his concern for reconciliation with SSPX just last week. The whole world seems to know what you cannot accept; that the SSPX are not members of the Holy Catholic Church.

Not only this, but the founders of the SSPX, Archbishop Lefebvre, declared to refuse to follow Rome; the former SSPX Bishop Williamson separated from the Catholic Church and from the SSPX and from reality, and was radical, and further fractured the Church opening other branches. These leaders of the SSPX are not heroes, or Catholic, they are its very antithesis; something which I can only deeply deplore, turning their backs on the Bride of Christ...

The SSPX seem fixed on meeting every gesture of reconciliation from the Catholic Church with apparent steps backward. They have long refused reconciliation and remain opposed to Church doctrines and the Second Vatican Council. What insolence it is on the part of the SSPX to treat the Catholic Church like a dishonest dealer, some of Her doctrines the SSPX accept, and others they reject! Men of good will can always find sufficient reason for believing, and men of bad will easily find reasons for not believing.

Ask yourself, instead of me, of Bishop Felley; Is Bishop Felley of the SSPX subject to Pope Francis and does he show Pope Francis obedience? Has Pope Francis given jurisdiction to Bishop Felley? The truth is that Bishop Felley and the SSPX decline submission to Pope Francis, nor have they jurisdiction, and the SSPX do not legitimately exercise any ministry in the Holy Catholic Church.