Prayers - Saint Gildas The Wise (Feast Day: January 29) DailyPrayers Gildas The Wise St Gildas (ca 500-570) was born into Royalty in Scotland on the banks of the Clyde. He had four brothers, three of …More
Prayers - Saint Gildas The Wise (Feast Day: January 29)
DailyPrayers Gildas The Wise St Gildas (ca 500-570) was born into Royalty in Scotland on the banks of the Clyde. He had four brothers, three of which became monks and the fourth, acceded to his father’s throne. He received a monastic education and, like his three brothers, chose to forsake his royal heritage for a religious life. After his studies, St Gildas went to Ireland and was ordained a Priest. He became a greatly respected teacher in both Ireland and Britain, converting many to Christianity and establishing numerous Churches and Monasteries. He was renowned for his Biblical knowledge and literacy style, which earned him the name, ‘Gildas the Wise’. On a return journey from Rome, St Gildas settled on the Isle of Houat, off Brittany, where he lived a solitary and austere life. He died at Rhuys in Brittany where he had established an Abbey. St Gildas’ Feast Day is 29th January, the day of his death. He is Patron Saint of Welsh …More