NY Archdiocese Priest: Jesus Did Not Understand Homosexuality

Pictured above: Michael Holleran (far right) with Cardinal Timothy Dolan in 2016 during the parish centennial celebrations at the Church of …
Blasphemers will have a very low place in hell
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
This Apostate Jesuist Homosexualist Michael K. Holleran denies the attributes of God: omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent
Dr Bobus
Of course, He didn't understand homosexuality. Homosexuality is evil, and no one directly understands evil. We indirectly understand it as a deficiency of some good (deficientia boni).
Bonum ex Integra causa malum ex quocumque defectuMore
Of course, He didn't understand homosexuality. Homosexuality is evil, and no one directly understands evil. We indirectly understand it as a deficiency of some good (deficientia boni).

Bonum ex Integra causa malum ex quocumque defectu
Jesus was and is God and Man and He didnt understood ,homosexuality ??this priest is either ignorant or he believes in a different Jesus that is not in the Gospel
Gesù è con noi
😡 😡 😡