Ave Crux


The SSPX Is Not in Schism EXCERPTS from cited articles and Interviews linked below at the bottom of this Post: Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos – during the time he was President of the Pontifical Commission …More
The SSPX Is Not in Schism
EXCERPTS from cited articles and Interviews linked below at the bottom of this Post:
Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos – during the time he was President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei (2000–2009) clarified this [SSPX not in schism] three times:
1) In 2005, regarding the 1988 consecrations done without pontifical mandate, [Cardinal Hoyos] stated that it created a “situation of separation … even if it [the SSPX] was not a formal schism.” (“Rapprochement by unhasty stages, but not too slow either”)
2) Again in 2005, that in a 2004 meeting between Pope Benedict XVI and Bishop Fellay (then Superior General of thea SSPX), it was stated, in Castrillón Hoyos words: “It cannot be said in correct, exact, and precise terms that there is a schism. … They are within the Church…” (“They are within the Church”)
Then, in 2007, Castrillón Hoyos stated that the SSPX priests and adherents “are not schismatics” (“The President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, Cardinal …More
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Klara Hammarström[redigera | redigera wikitext]
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Klara Hammarström
Klara Hammarström, 2020
Klara Lovisa Hammarström
20 april 2000 (22 år)
Stockholm, Sverige
Känd för
Familjen Hammarström, Melodifestivalen 2020
Sångerska, TV-profil, tidigare tävlingsryttare
År som aktiv
Bidrag i …More
Klara Hammarström[redigera | redigera wikitext]

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Klara Hammarström

Klara Hammarström, 2020


Klara Lovisa Hammarström


20 april 2000 (22 år)


Stockholm, Sverige



Känd för

Familjen Hammarström, Melodifestivalen 2020




Sångerska, TV-profil, tidigare tävlingsryttare



År som aktiv


Bidrag i Melodifestivalen




Beat of Broken Hearts


Run To The Hills

Klara Lovisa Hammarström, född 20 april 2000 i Stockholm,[1] är en svensk artist, TV-profil och tidigare tävlingsryttare.[2] Hon har bland annat deltagit tre gånger i Melodifestivalen.

Biografi[redigera | redigera wikitext]

Hammarström växte upp i Delsbo i Hälsingland.[3] Hon är tvillingsyster till Selma Hammarström[1] och har ytterligare nio syskon. I familjen har man oftast sysslat med hästar och hästsport, och hennes yngre bror Ingmar rider i svenska landslaget. Klara Hammarström har skiljt ut sig från de andra i familjen genom istället välja att satsa på en musikkarriär.[4]

I slutet av 2010-talet flyttade familjen till skånska Ljunghusen. Hösten 2020 flyttade Hammarström hemifrån, till Södermalm i Stockholm.[3]

Klara Hammarström har synts i SVT-serien Familjen Hammarström, där man får följa henne och hennes familj.[4] Den 28 juni 2019 släppte hon låten "Break Up Song",[5] och 13 september samma år släpptes "You Should Know Me Better".[6]

Hammarström deltog i Melodifestivalen 2020 med låten "Nobody" i den andra deltävlingen i Göteborg den 8 februari 2020.[7] I Melodifestivalen 2021 ställde hon upp med låten "Beat of Broken Hearts" som via den tredje deltävlingen den 20 februari 2021 och Andra chansen därefter tog sig till slutfinalen.[8] Hon deltog i den fjärde deltävlingen av Melodifestivalen 2022 med låten Run To The Hills, där hon kvalificerade sig direkt till final.[9]

I maj 2020 samarbetade hon om sången "The One" med Mohombi.[10]

Referenser[redigera | redigera wikitext]

^ [a b] ”Känner du igen Klara Hammarström i Melodifestivalen? Det är inte så konstigt”. nyheter24.se. 7 februari 2020. Läst 20 februari 2020.

^ Staaf, Jenny Schwieler (2 juli 2018). ”Ny karriär på gång för Klara Hammarström”. www.tidningenridsport.se. Läst 20 februari 2020.

^ [a b] Avelind, Josefine (19 februari 2021). ”Klara är redo för mello-revansch”. www.mitti.se. Läst 2 januari 2022.

^ [a b] Funemyr, Frida (26 februari 2021). ”Klara Hammarström: Alla elva syskon är vinnarskallar”. Hemmets Journal. Läst 2 januari 2022.

^ Grundberg, Annika. ”Äntligen släpps Klara Hammarströms första singel: "Pirrigt och nervöst"”. Hippson.se. Läst 20 februari 2020.

^ ”You Should Know Me Better - Single by Klara Hammarström” (på amerikansk engelska). 13 september 2019. Läst 2 januari 2022.

^ ”Klara Hammarström debuterar i Melodifestivalen, Linda Bengtzing är med för sjunde gången: "Det är som att vara gravid"”. svenska.yle.fi. 26 november 2019. Läst 20 februari 2020.

^ Berglund/TT, Björn (6 mars 2021). ”Favoriterna klarade trycket i Andra chansen”. Svenska Dagbladet. ISSN 1101-2412. Läst 2 januari 2022.

^ ”Klara Hammarström och Medina till final i Melodifestivalen”. Aftonbladet. 26 februari 2022. Läst 26 februari 2022.

^ ”Världsstjärnan Mohombi och stjärnskottet Klara Hammarström samarbetar i duetten ”The One” som släpps idag”. Mynewsdesk. 29 maj 2020. Läst 2 januari 2022.

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Svenska popsångare

Svenska ryttare


Födda 2000

Levande personer

Deltagare i Melodifestivalen 2020

Deltagare i Melodifestivalen 2021

Deltagare i Melodifestivalen 2022
Ave Crux
@Just me I agree with everything you said. My brother married a Protestant woman. She thought the Novus Ordo Church was an embarrassment with the infantile, banal banners and all the humanism-shrouded worship that went with it. It seemed like a mockery to her, even as a Protestant!! But that was all she knew of 20th Century Catholicism.
After she married my brother, we introduced her to the …More
@Just me I agree with everything you said. My brother married a Protestant woman. She thought the Novus Ordo Church was an embarrassment with the infantile, banal banners and all the humanism-shrouded worship that went with it. It seemed like a mockery to her, even as a Protestant!! But that was all she knew of 20th Century Catholicism.

After she married my brother, we introduced her to the Traditional Latin Mass at our "Independent" Chapel back in the days when all we had were "Independent Priests" and SSPX mission chapels and "Hotel" Masses in the early years after the destruction of Vatican II.

It was barely a month after her marriage to my brother, once they had begun going to Sunday Mass together at our Chapel, that she was instantly converted by the Traditional Latin Mass offered in our "Independent" Chapel. She thought: "Well, this sure is the real thing...."

Shortly afterward, she was baptized and she is now my goddaughter!!

Not only that, not long afterward, she was Confirmed by Archbishop Lefebvre in a magnificent Mass. She and my brother went on to have 6 children.

I have numerous stories like that....

Another: a college friend of the family became ill while hiking the Appalachian Trail. She was a free-spirited, pretty lukewarm and indifferent Catholic like any college student in the roaring 70's.

She stopped at our home to recover from the illness before traveling back to her home state. While at our home, we introduced her to the Latin Mass -- again, at our "Independent" Chapel.

Boom!! She was swept away, went home to MD and joined another "Independent" Chapel, and later married a Traditionalist who established a Traditional Catholic Apostolate.

This also happened with a Jewish friend of ours as soon as she was exposed to the Latin Mass -- again at our "Independent" Chapel. She converted to the Faith, and I am proud to say I am one of her godparents.

She later married an ex-Trappist monk who had to leave the community because the Novice Master didn't even believe in the Real Presence!

After their marriage, they went on to adopt a handicapped baby from China who was slated to be starved to death because of a birth defect. That little baby is now a beautiful, grown young woman who would have been executed by slow starvation if they had left her in China.

This Jewish convert, too, was Confirmed by Archbishop Lefebvre, not long after her Baptism.

THESE ARE ONLY A FEW of the many, many stories I can tell about how our resistance in the early days after Vatican II, and the ministrations of "Independent" Priests and the SSPX have transformed lives and inspired beautiful conversions.

ALL of these people are still faithful, "mainstream" Catholics today, fully in union with the Church and faithful to that early grace of conversion experienced in the early days of Traditionalism.

THIS, ACTUALLY, is the reason I continue to defend the SSPX...

I don't want others to be stopped from drinking from the fount of Tradition and grace by frightening them with false claims of schism, especially if the SSPX is all that some of these souls have available to them.

"The highest law of the Church is the Salvation of Souls..." CCC

God bless you! @Just me
Ave Crux
@Just me As for other accounts of conversion springing from Tradition, I could start with my own family.
While my siblings and I were teenagers, my family was among those scattered by the great "diaspora" of Catholics caused by the Modernist destruction of the Mass and Traditions of our Faith.
Then some devout Traditionalist friends of my parents told them about Traditional Masses being offered in …More
@Just me As for other accounts of conversion springing from Tradition, I could start with my own family.

While my siblings and I were teenagers, my family was among those scattered by the great "diaspora" of Catholics caused by the Modernist destruction of the Mass and Traditions of our Faith.

Then some devout Traditionalist friends of my parents told them about Traditional Masses being offered in hotels by the so-called Traditional Independent Priests, and urged them to go....!

These "Hotel" Masses were held in banquet halls set up with beautiful altars, etc. -- because we had no churches for the Traditional Mass!! -- and they became magnets for the most concerned, devout and activist Catholics in the Church at that time.

Families who attended these Masses later founded what became an Independent Chapel and Catholic school for their children (and it was never censured by the local Ordinary!).

My parents started attending the "Hotel" Masses and were deeply impressed by the tangible reverence of these Masses, and the beautiful holiness of the Priests and their devout, edifying sermons.

My siblings and I were teenagers by then, and so our parents left us free to attend or not, since all of this was new for them also. And...of course as teenagers, we didn't...in fact, our faith had been virtually extinguished by then.

Well.....one fateful Sunday, the Priest offering the Mass told all in attendance (with my parents present) to kneel down and Consecrate their families, their futures, and everything they possessed to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Well, the effects of that Consecration were miraculous. Not too long afterward, my siblings and I each experienced independently extraordinary graces of near instantaneous conversion. Almost overnight, we became a family of devout Traditionalists and have never looked back.

In fact, my father and two of my siblings became virtually full-time activists for the Catholic Faith with three different, very high-profile organizations, and another became a religious for a time until illness made it necessary to return to the lay state with private vows.

ALL THIS....because of Traditional resistance to what happened after Vatican II by setting up pockets of Traditional Mass Centers.

Then, there are the extraordinary stories of the conversions of my very "wayward" grandfather and godfather when they came into contact with Tradition through our family, and the miracles of Providence that arranged seemingly miraculous circumstances to bring that about.

As a result, my grandfather died in the Faith at 74 after having been away from the Church since he had been a child; and my (previously renegade) godfather spent the rest of his days after an extraordinary -- also virtually instantaneous conversion -- as a Professor at a Catholic Academy, living like a monk until the day he died.

A beautiful thing happened with my grandfather....a very, very salty, crusty character. We brought him to see the "Independent" Priest at our Chapel for Extreme Unction since his health had been declining and we were concerned, especially as he hadn't practiced the Faith for decades before this.

He was riveted during the entire proceeding...his eyes never left the Priest's face..... He was anointed, absolved and given Viaticum. Afterward, as we left the Chapel, he actually seemed transfixed.

He wouldn't look at us....he just kept his hand over his breast and kept saying over and over and over again...."Body of Christ, Body of Christ, Body of Christ....I can feel Him right here...." as he held his hand placed on his heart.

He died not long after that.

As far as Archbishop Lefebvre, I feel very blessed to have known him. He frequently came to our area of the country for Confirmations and dinners with the area Catholics.

He was "radiant" whenever I saw him.....gentleness, meekness, goodness incarnate. In fact, in a room filled with people, he always seemed to want to consider himself the least and the last.

There wasn't a shred of ego or self-importance about him. Just incredible goodness and paternal love....and suffering. You could see how his heart was filled with grief over what was happening in the Church....it was a crucifixion for him to watch the destruction of the Church's most beautiful Patrimony and previously monolithic doctrinal teaching. It was crushing him.

In any event, that's enough typing for a week, at least! God bless, @Just me !
One more comment from Ave Crux
Ave Crux
@Just me I will only say this much more....You can see from our journey through Traditionalism and the spiritual miracles God granted us and the conversions we have witnessed, why I have absolutely no patience for the Pharisaical legalists who keep trying to convince everyone that the wonderful Priests of SSPX, and the Priests who dissented and still will dissent from the destruction of the Catholic …More
@Just me I will only say this much more....You can see from our journey through Traditionalism and the spiritual miracles God granted us and the conversions we have witnessed, why I have absolutely no patience for the Pharisaical legalists who keep trying to convince everyone that the wonderful Priests of SSPX, and the Priests who dissented and still will dissent from the destruction of the Catholic Faith to preserve Tradition are "disobedient" and in "schism".

We lived it.....we know what these Priests did for souls -- ours included -- while the fattened "shepherds" fed themselves and abandoned all of us to the wolves.

These "Pharisees" and self-appointed directors of everyone else's consciences care more about the letter than the spirit and purpose of the law, as though the law can ever be used as a weapon to destroy, wound and harm the Church -- while it exists only to protect the Church from God's enemies and to advance the Salvation of Souls, which even the Catechism of the Catholic Church states.

As though all these torrents of grace which we ourselves experienced coming down to us from God through SSPX and "Independent" Priests were given to us by "schismatics" and Priests under "censure", and not by the generous Providence of God Himself, the Good Shepherd Who came to us Himself through these faithful and true Shepherds; while the shepherds who should have been feeding us bread gave us stones instead, and then abandoned us.

And what is even more evil and reprehensible is the fact that it was the very churchmen responsible for starving and abandoning us that were hurling these false accusations and pretenses of censure against the only Priests who were truly ministering to souls and giving them the Faith of the Ages instead of an imposture!

It is quite often that I recall these most beautiful passages below from Ezekiel in these our times.

This is what God did for us when He sent us SSPX and the Priests who refused to compromise.

And when we had no churches, these good Priests made churches for us. They held the fort, and did not capitulate, ultimately forcing the hand of Rome....and that is why we still have anything at all left of Tradition today.

But no....these Pharisees say the Archbishop, these faithful Priests, should have just surrendered into the death of a false obedience, violating their consciences and their sarcerdotal mandate and vocations to minister the true Faith and Sacraments to souls.

It sickens me to think of it after what we ourselves lived through, and what we are still threatened with.

Archbishop Lefebvre will be canonized....


And the word of the Lord came to me, saying: Son of man, prophesy concerning the shepherds of Israel: prophesy, and say to the shepherds: Thus saith the Lord God: Woe to the shepherds of Israel, that fed themselves: should not the hocks be fed by the shepherds?

You ate the milk, end you clothed yourselves with the wool, and you killed that which was fat: but my flock you did not feed. The weak you have not strengthened, and that which was sick you have not healed, that which was broken you have not bound up, and that which was driven away you have not brought again, neither have you sought that which was lost: but you ruled over them with rigour, and with a high hand.

And my sheep were scattered, because there was no shepherd: and they became the prey of all the beasts of the field, and were scattered. My sheep have wandered in every mountain, and in every high hill: and my flocks mere scattered upon the face of the earth, and there was none that sought them, there was none, I say, that sought them.

Therefore, ye shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: As I live, saith the Lord God, forasmuch as my flocks have been made a spoil, and my sheep are become a prey to all the beasts of the field, because there was no shepherd: for my shepherds did not seek after my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flocks:

Therefore, ye shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: Thus saith the Lord God: Behold I myself come upon the shepherds, I will require my hock at their hand, and I will cause them to cease from feeding the flock any more, neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more: and I will deliver my flock from their mouth, and it shall no more be meat for them.

For thus saith the Lord God: Behold I myself will seek my sheep, and will visit them. As the shepherd visiteth his hock in the day when he shall be in the midst of his sheep that were scattered, so will I visit my sheep, and will deliver them out of all the places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.

And I will bring them out from the peoples, and will gather them out of the countries, and will bring them to their own land: and I will feed them in the mountains of Israel, by the rivers, and in all the habitations of the land. I will feed them in the most fruitful pastures, and their pastures shall be in the high mountains of Israel: there shall they rest on the green grass, and be fed in fat pastures upon the mountains of Israel.

I will feed my sheep : and I will cause them to lie down, saith the Lord God. I will seek that which was lost: and that which was driven away, I will bring again: and I will bind up that which was broken, and I will strengthen that which was weak, and that which was fat and strong I will preserve: and I will feed them in judgment.


God love you, @Just me -- it's obvious you have a pure and faithful heart.