Trady and his College, Pope Michael! To all the Sedevacantists, here on gloria Tv. This is how absolutely psychotic, anddelusional your movement is. The Protestant fundamentalists, have more spiritual …More
Trady and his College, Pope Michael!

To all the Sedevacantists, here on gloria Tv. This is how absolutely psychotic, anddelusional your movement is. The Protestant fundamentalists, have more spiritual credibility, then your movement. I am ABSOLUTELY embarrassed, for Trady, and the rest of his NUT pack HERE ON GLORIA TV. All of you, have the same, DEEP, Psychological problems, Pope Michael HAS! Your DEFINITELY NOT! CATHOLICS!
This is the very reason why I am not a sedevacantist. Can you imagine getting them together in one room. I truly believe they couldn't come to an agreement on any issue.
Some kids eventually grow up and stop dressing up as popes, priests, nuns and whatever. These bunch have not grown up and I don't know who is more lunatic - the self-deluding bunch or people who join them.
"When I was a child, I used to talk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I put aside childish things." - 1 Corinthians 13:11.More
Some kids eventually grow up and stop dressing up as popes, priests, nuns and whatever. These bunch have not grown up and I don't know who is more lunatic - the self-deluding bunch or people who join them.

"When I was a child, I used to talk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I put aside childish things." - 1 Corinthians 13:11.
R. Sungenis: In closing, the Dimond Brothers have shown their incompetence throughout this discussion. Their left hand doesn’t know what their right hand is doing. They claim to obey one set of Church teachings, yet they flatly deny another set, and all this by their own personal judgment which they esteem so highly.
The Dimond Brothers have simply failed to make the proper distinctions, and …More
R. Sungenis: In closing, the Dimond Brothers have shown their incompetence throughout this discussion. Their left hand doesn’t know what their right hand is doing. They claim to obey one set of Church teachings, yet they flatly deny another set, and all this by their own personal judgment which they esteem so highly.
The Dimond Brothers have simply failed to make the proper distinctions, and unfortunately for them, the Catholic religion is all about making the proper distinctions. So many people in history have fallen by the wayside by what appears to be contradictory teaching from the Church, but that is a trap that the devil sets for them.
The Dimond Brothers hold that Vatican II contradicts previous Church teaching, but that is only because they neither understand previous teaching nor understand Vatican II. We saw this quite easily in the Dimond Brothers’ opening remarks in which they attempted to list 10 heresies of Vatican II, their best shot at proving their point, but they utterly failed. The best that can be concluded is that Vatican II has some ambiguous statements, but that is far from being in formal heresy.
The truth is that the Dimond Brothers are promoting heresy, and they are seeking to separate people from the Catholic Church by appearing as if they are supporting the Catholic Church. Ultimately, the Dimond Brothers have repudiated Jesus Christ, for it was He who said that the gates of hell would NOT prevail against the Church, but the Dimond Brothers believe that hell has, indeed, prevailed, for we are headless, without a leader, and have been for the last 47 years, the very opposite of what Jesus promised. Not only is it incorrect, it is absurd.
The main problem, of course, is that the Dimond Brothers have not learned to distinguish between judging faith and morals for the sake of their own conscience and the far different position of judging the Magisterium. At will, the Dimond Brothers declare the whole Magisterium heretical and non-Catholic, yet, as we have seen, they barely have the capability to read a document for what it actually says, and have less capability to understand the context, or synthesize apparent contradictions into a unified whole. That is because they are bent on destroying the Catholic Church and declaring themselves the true holders of the faith. Didn’t we go through this once before with Martin Luther and John Calvin? Apparently, the Dimond Brothers haven’t learned from history, but that is no surprise, for when pride and arrogance get in the way, history means nothing to the egomaniac.
The Dimond Brothers have gone back to the error of Balaam and the error of Korah (Jude 1:11), cases in which mere underlings tried to usurp authority from the rightful magisterium. God simply has no mercy upon those who arrogate authority to themselves, regardless whether the authority in charge is good, bad or indifferent.
As far as the Church is concerned, we have the right to register our objections and disagreements with the Magisterium (Canon Law 212, 2-3) but that is as far as our prerogatives go. Other than that, we are mere peons with an opinion. We can register our opinions, we can write letters to our bishop and pope, but that is as far as our authority goes. We certainly have no right to declare a pope a heretic and unilaterally depose him from office, and insist that others do the same under threat of eternal damnation. That is the devil’s gospel, and I’m sorry to say, that is the gospel being propagated by the Dimond Brothers.
Not judging the Magisterium relieves us of being judged by God. God alone is the judge of the Magisterium, not you, not me, not the Dimond Brothers. Of course, the Magisterium better toe the line, for they will face a much harsher punishment from God than you and I if they faulter. None of us want to be in that position, believe me. It is not a light thing to be a prelate in God’s Magisterium.
The Dimond Brothers are on the road to perdition, and anyone who follows them is putting their soul on the precipice of hell. Run, don’t walk, away from them as fast as you possibly can.
Robert A. Sungenis, M.A., Ph.D. (cd)
President: Catholic Apologetics International
August 1, 2005
Gosh.... only in the US of A...... 🥴 Blimey!!! 🤮
I think your correct, from what I have seen, from this group, Psychotic, or mentally retarded, is NOT to far from the Truth! Pope Michael calls himself, a Catholic in this little clip. I can just see, Trady in here, with a BEFORE PICTURE OF ST. LUCIA, next to a later picture, with a big goofy smile, on his face, as he whispers...I know the Truth! lol....Dueling Banjos, perfectly fits this …More

I think your correct, from what I have seen, from this group, Psychotic, or mentally retarded, is NOT to far from the Truth! Pope Michael calls himself, a Catholic in this little clip. I can just see, Trady in here, with a BEFORE PICTURE OF ST. LUCIA, next to a later picture, with a big goofy smile, on his face, as he whispers...I know the Truth! lol....Dueling Banjos, perfectly fits this group. Anyone that is part of this movement, is truly NUTS, and they are doing the New Mass, and Vatican II, a great service. Fortunately the New Missal is coming, which will strengthen the New Mass. Here is what I find, humorous, Kfarley, these knuckle heads, actually MOCK the Clown Mass's. Thats like calling the Kettle black...lol... 👌
This video is the answer to what causes sedevacantism-INBREEDING! The secret has been revealed in this video and this explains why talking to a sedevacantist is so pointless. It is like the scene in the movie "Deliverance" where the kid is playing the banjo. "Dueling Banjos" is what it is like speaking to a sede. You give the sede the information that refutes their confusion and the sede gives a …More
This video is the answer to what causes sedevacantism-INBREEDING! The secret has been revealed in this video and this explains why talking to a sedevacantist is so pointless. It is like the scene in the movie "Deliverance" where the kid is playing the banjo. "Dueling Banjos" is what it is like speaking to a sede. You give the sede the information that refutes their confusion and the sede gives a little retarded smile and answers back with nonsense on his banjo! I think we've made some real eye-opening discovery to the confused soul of sedevacantism here!