The Eucharistic Miracle of Santarem. Some 40 km from Fatima, another village had a visitor from heaven. This miracle is less known as the Fatima events.More
The Eucharistic Miracle of Santarem.

Some 40 km from Fatima, another village had a visitor from heaven. This miracle is less known as the Fatima events.
@CarolineA03 , many thanks for the added information. God bless you 👍
It's the same blood type that is found on both the Turin Shroud and the Sudarium of Oviedo......and every other scientifically analysed Eucharistic Miracle
"Presented below are just a few of the many cases which having been scientifically tested by laboratories in different areas of the world, all of which reveal the AB blood type:
- The Corporal of Bolsena (13th century, blood tested in 1995)
It's the same blood type that is found on both the Turin Shroud and the Sudarium of Oviedo......and every other scientifically analysed Eucharistic Miracle

"Presented below are just a few of the many cases which having been scientifically tested by laboratories in different areas of the world, all of which reveal the AB blood type:

- The Corporal of Bolsena (13th century, blood tested in 1995)
-The Shroud of Turin
-The Sudarium of Oviedo (The Face-cloth which covered Our Lord's Sacred Face)
- The Eucharistic Miracle at Lanciano (8th century)

And for those more interested in recent phenomenon we have 4 in just the last 25 years whose blood results were all type AB positive:

- The Eucharistic host at the Marian Shrine of FincaBetania in Cúa, Venezuelia (1991)
- The (desecrated) Eucharistic host at Buenos Aires,Argentina (1996) – An interesting side note about this miracle is that the Archbishop who commissioned the investigation was Archbishop Bergoglio --now Pope Francis!
-The Eucharistic host at the Parish of Saint Martin ofTours in Tixtla, Mexico, (2006)
-The Eucharistic host at the Parish of St. Jacek, diocese of Legnica, Poland (2013)

As of today the full list of blood test results in this area numbers well over a dozen.

Rarity of the AB blood type among the human population
Together the AB blood type (both positive and negative) is one of the rarest of the human blood types, with only approximately 3.4 percent of the world population having AB+, and only 0.6 percent of the population with AB-.
