57 - Smoke of Satan - Did the Church Curse Herself? A continuing examination and analysis of the Second Vatican Council. ▼ Learn More! ▼ This installment continues a discussion of how the Council of …More
57 - Smoke of Satan - Did the Church Curse Herself?
A continuing examination and analysis of the Second Vatican Council.
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This installment continues a discussion of how the Council of Trent declared, “If anyone says that the received and approved rites of the Catholic Church, accustomed to be used in the administration of the sacraments, may be despised or omitted by the ministers without sin and at their pleasure, or may be changed by any pastor of the churches whomsoever to other new ones, let him be anathema.”
Yet the Second Vatican Council and Pope Paul VI changed the established liturgy into a new one.
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Here are some links that give some background to the novus ordo mass. You might want to check them out:
Weapons of Mass Destruction: www.youtube.com/watch Work of Human Hands: www.youtube.com/watch The old Mass is Divine Law: www.youtube.com/watch Like us on Facebook: /pages/Ascent …More