3rd Secret Of Fatima is a Fake and Forgery. 3rd Secret Of Fatima is a Fake and ForgeryMore
3rd Secret Of Fatima is a Fake and Forgery.

3rd Secret Of Fatima is a Fake and Forgery
Roberto 55
There is also one more question. Why is not true sister Lucy declared saint like her cousins? Easy answer. Because the true about sister Lucy may come out...
Alex A
Are you the spokesperson for the Vatican now?
Roberto 55
Not yet 😂 and for sure never...What is your exact point?
Yes this is convincing.
It is not written by Sor Lucia.
Though it still doesn't mean
that the content in this forgery
is not the same as originally
Question remains:
Why did they want to forge?
Did they copy the original?
If not, why not?
Is the original lost?More
Yes this is convincing.
It is not written by Sor Lucia.

Though it still doesn't mean
that the content in this forgery
is not the same as originally
Question remains:
Why did they want to forge?
Did they copy the original?
If not, why not?
Is the original lost?
Alex A
Convincing for whom? Not for me.
convincing !!!