St Michael: the Guardian & Defender of the Catholic Church. God has appointed St. Michael as the guardian and defender of the Catholic Church. Consider three historical miracles where he manifested …More
St Michael: the Guardian & Defender of the Catholic Church.
God has appointed St. Michael as the guardian and defender of the Catholic Church. Consider three historical miracles where he manifested his spiritual and temporal intercession and protection. [1] The miraculous spring in Phrygia (1st cent.) which converted many pagans. [2] His ending of a plague in Rome under Pope Gregory the Great (590). The holy pontiff expressed his gratitude by establishing the Greater Litanies (Apr 25). [3] One-hundred years after Our Lady of Guadalupe, he appeared to Diego Lázaro in Talxcala to provide a miraculous spring and end a smallpox epidemic (1631). Thus was established San Miguel del Milagro, one of Mexico’s greatest Catholic shrines. For more please visit svfonline.org & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest