The True Summit is 40 Days Away. There are forty days from this feast day, August 6, to the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, September 14. As we know from St. Luke’s Gospel, on Mount Tabor Our Lord …More
The True Summit is 40 Days Away.

There are forty days from this feast day, August 6, to the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, September 14. As we know from St. Luke’s Gospel, on Mount Tabor Our Lord discussed with Moses and Elias the true summit: “And they spoke of His decease [exodus] that He should accomplish in Jerusalem.” What is indicated in this? The true summit is 40 days away, liturgically… the length of an exodus. We know that true mountain is Calvary… Golgotha… the Triumph of the Cross. This is the true end of our road on earth… It is not to be found on Thabor but can be discussed there and meditated upon, but we must go down into the valley sooner or later. It is unavoidable. Thus, we should consider making this time of 40 days a little Lent (going down into the valley) so that we can merit in some way to be admitted into a deeper contemplation of the Face of Christ in preparation for the eternal contemplation of Christ in heaven. For more please visit www.reginaprophetarum.org & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest