Abortion: The Catholic Church has compromised. Exclusive Video-Interview with the pro-lifer Rebecca Kiessling (USA), who was conceived in rape. Transcript: Abortion: The Catholic Church has compromisedMore
Abortion: The Catholic Church has compromised.
Exclusive Video-Interview with the pro-lifer Rebecca Kiessling (USA), who was conceived in rape. Transcript: Abortion: The Catholic Church has compromised
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The Pro-Abortion Con.
This collection of articles is meant to be a discussion of the devastation of abortion, from the violent execution of the most innocent, vulnerable to their mothers and fathers, to families and societies; from the scientific to the spiritual. It's time to face the truth: As we regard the unborn, we have come to regard one another.More
The Pro-Abortion Con.

This collection of articles is meant to be a discussion of the devastation of abortion, from the violent execution of the most innocent, vulnerable to their mothers and fathers, to families and societies; from the scientific to the spiritual. It's time to face the truth: As we regard the unborn, we have come to regard one another.
Juan Manuel Serra Oller
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Transcripción y traducción al español (automática, pendiente de corrección):…/The rape except…

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Juan Manuel Serra Oller
Rebecca denuncia a los "providas mediocres", también entre los obispos católicos, que aceptan la excepción del aborto de los niños o niñas concebidos en una violación.
Como si estos niños o niñas no tuvieran derecho a la vida.
Como si estos niños o niñas tuvieran que pagar, ellos o ellas, del todo inocentes, por los pecados de sus progenitores.
Ella lucha, como una …More


Rebecca denuncia a los "providas mediocres", también entre los obispos católicos, que aceptan la excepción del aborto de los niños o niñas concebidos en una violación.

Como si estos niños o niñas no tuvieran derecho a la vida.

Como si estos niños o niñas tuvieran que pagar, ellos o ellas, del todo inocentes, por los pecados de sus progenitores.

Ella lucha, como una "gerrera provida", para que se vuelva a criminalizar el aborto, todo aborto, porque así los niños y niñas por nacer, son protegidos por la ley.

Ella explica que fue concebida en un aborto, y que su madre intentó matarla dos veces, pero la ley le protegió y pudo nacer.

Dice que el tema es de la máxima urgencia porque son muchos y muchas los niños y niñas que son matados en los abortos (sólo en Estados Unidos, más de un millón al año).

(Desde que se despenalizó el aborto en las Rusia Comunista Soviética, en los años 20 del siglo XX, son más de 1.500 millones los abortos en el mundo. Falta una cuarta parte de la humanidad. Y estos son sólo los abortos quirúrgicos, los que implican la intervención del médico asesino que descuartiza vivo al niño o niña indefensos. Los de la pastilla o los de los métodos anticonceptivos intrauterinos son imposibles de contar. Es la Atroz y Horripilante CULTURA DE LA MUERTE.)

Tenemos, dice, que compadecernos de ellos y de ellas, y luchar con decisión para acabar con el aborto en el mundo entero!

La mayoría de las mujeres, dice, quieren a sus bebés, pero son forzadas a abortar.

Habría que perseguir a los abortistas que matan a los niños y a las niñas.

Con el aborto ilegal, entonces no habría abortos ilegales, pues los abortistas temerían las duras represalias de la ley. ¡Por un asesinato se va a la cárcel de por vida!

¡Esto es lo que le salvó a ella la vida!

Acaba la entrevista con estas impresionantes palabras:

Estoy viva porque estaba protegida. Mi madre no eligió la vida para mí. Ella eligió el aborto. Ella trató de matarme en dos abortos ilegales. Pero yo estaba protegida por la ley. Le debo mi nacimiento a la ley que estaba ahí para protegerme.

Así que esto no es como un argumento teórico para mí. Esto no es un juego. Estoy tan agradecida de que mi vida se salvó. Pero muchos otros se merecen la misma protección que recibí. Siento que mi vida se salvó de un edificio en llamas. Y ya que tengo la oportunidad de volver atrás y salvar a otros, voy a hacerlo. Para mí hay un sentido de urgencia - volver salvar a otros. Una vez más: no es sólo un juego teórico. Hay vidas reales en juego. Esto es muy, muy real para mí. Estoy agradecida por otras personas que no tenían una historia personal, pero les importaba lo suficiente como si fuera su propia historia personal, como si sus propias vidas hubieran estado en juego.

Ojalá todo el mundo pudiera tener esa misma pasión y sentido de urgencia, y la compasión por los demás.

Ver el texto completo del a entrevista en: Abortion: The Catholic Church has compromised


I'm alive because I was protected. My birth-mother did not choose life for me. She chose abortion. She tried to kill me at two illegal abortions. But I was protected by law. I owe my birth to the law being there to protect me.

So this is not like a theoretical argument for me. This is not a game. I'm so thankful that my life was spared. But so many others deserve the same protection I received. I feel like my life was spared from a burning building. And as I have the opportunity to go back and save others I'm going to do it. To me there is a sense of urgency - to go back and safe others. Again: It is not just a theoretical game. There are real lives at stake. This is very, very real for me. I'm grateful for other people who did not have a personal story, but they care enough as if it was their own personal story, as if their own lives had been at stake.

I wish everyone could have that same passion and sense of urgency, and compassion for others.

Ver todo sobre las Trituradoras de bebés en las “clínicas” de la “salud reproductiva” en:
ABSOLUTELY you are stating that the child was not created by God. The only alternative is equally evil: That the child, created by God, is "better off dead." God bless Rebecca Kiessling. She's a fighter, a warrior and, "a person with a story."
Rebecca Kiessling, herself conceived in rape, is right. I, a woman, agree that you cannot compromise on abortion with a rape exception. She's also right about the U.S. accepting, "mediocrity." We will stand up only for so long and we sit back down. We're too distracted seeking, "ease of life." God have mercy. Abortionists boldly proclaim, they do not hide the fact that they want the Hyde Amendment …More
Rebecca Kiessling, herself conceived in rape, is right. I, a woman, agree that you cannot compromise on abortion with a rape exception. She's also right about the U.S. accepting, "mediocrity." We will stand up only for so long and we sit back down. We're too distracted seeking, "ease of life." God have mercy. Abortionists boldly proclaim, they do not hide the fact that they want the Hyde Amendment gone. We need to wake up. The Catholic bishops supporting abortion rights or the Morning After Pill, etc., publicly or privately are an absolute disgrace. They have no right shepherding women and families with this mentality. I truly cannot think of a greater evil. I wish to love the servants of God, our bishops. My heart is broken. There are exceptional leaders all over the world on these issues. They ought to swallow their pride and have their consciences informed. A canon lawyer recently clarified, conscience does not mean you decide whether you agree with Church teaching, but whether and how your situation relates to Church teaching. How can our bishops not follow, and therefore not lead, in this way?
We have to admit, we can't win every battle. However, we shouldn't support a law that conflicts with our beliefs. The other point Jesus would make is that you CAN'T make laws to enforce religious teachings. GOD gave Adam and Eve and us too for that matter the freedom to choose to sin or not sin. Our time is better spent teaching GOD's WORD and living our lives the way GOD wants us to, so we can …More

We have to admit, we can't win every battle. However, we shouldn't support a law that conflicts with our beliefs. The other point Jesus would make is that you CAN'T make laws to enforce religious teachings. GOD gave Adam and Eve and us too for that matter the freedom to choose to sin or not sin. Our time is better spent teaching GOD's WORD and living our lives the way GOD wants us to, so we can be an example to the rest of the world. Hopefully, our example will be more productive than trying to pass laws that may never get approved.

See Matthew 22:15-22

15 The Pharisees went off and made a plan to trap Jesus with questions.

16 Then they sent to him some of their disciples and some members of Herod's party. "Teacher," they said, "we know that you tell the truth. You teach the truth about God's will for people, without worrying about what others think, because you pay no attention to anyone's status.

17 Tell us, then, what do you think? Is it against our Law to pay taxes to the Roman Emperor, or not?"

18 Jesus, however, was aware of their evil plan, and so he said, "You hypocrites! Why are you trying to trap me?

19 Show me the coin for paying the tax!" They brought him the coin,

20 and he asked them, "Whose face and name are these?"

21 "The Emperor's," they answered. So Jesus said to them, "Well, then, pay to the Emperor what belongs to the Emperor, and pay to God what belongs to God."

22 When they heard this, they were amazed; and they left him and went away.

Chuck Lenitne
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)