Bergoglio orchestrated child abuse to promote heresy 15 April 2018 akacatholic.com/video-vatican-o… AKA Catholic Louie Verrecchio I invite you to watch it, but be forewarned: It will absolutely break …More
Bergoglio orchestrated child abuse to promote heresy 15 April 2018

AKA Catholic
Louie Verrecchio
I invite you to watch it, but be forewarned: It will absolutely break your heart.


Here is what you just saw:

A precious little boy named Emanuele timidly approached the microphone, but he couldn’t bring himself to speak. Francis prodded him, “dai, dai” (literally, “you give, you give,” meaning, come on, come on).

The boy began to weep, saying, “Non ce la faccio” (I can’t do it).

At this, a priest (perhaps the pastor of the parish), who just happens to be nearby standing at the ready, approaches the boy. Watch the video clip again; this time carefully.

The priest takes hold of the boy’s arm, and if you pay close attention, you will notice him give it a firm squeeze as if to bring him to heel. He then gestures toward the stage and evidently tries to take the boy by the hand, but the child pulls it away and covers his face.

Emanuele is obviously terrified.

The kindly pastor responds by giving him a nice little hug as the people clap. He then proceeds to push Emanuele forward toward the stage; even though he clearly does not want to go.

Bergoglio then begins calling the boy to come (vieni da me) as the priest pushes the poor weeping child forward; ultimately lifting him onto the steps.

It is perfectly obvious that the masterminds of this event planned beforehand to put Emanuele on stage so he could be exploited as a prop. They knew damned well that the boy would break down in tears, and when you hear the question that he was instructed to ask, you’ll understand how.

Once on stage, Uncle Jorge had the boy whisper “his” question in his ear; after which he announced to the audience:

I asked Emanuele permission to say the question in public and he said yes.

Then, as if to quote little Emanuele, he offers:

“A short time ago my father died. He was an atheist, but he had all four children baptized. He was a good man. Is papa in Heaven?“

The answer given is once more predictable and perfectly pathetic, but even more condemnable is the crime that was committed against this little boy.

Emanuele appears to be no more than six or seven years old at best, and yet we are supposed to believe that he is worried about the eternal fate of his recently deceased father because he was an atheist?

Don’t get me wrong, a Catholic should have such a concern, but a small boy from a Novus Ordo parish?

Please, tell me who instilled the Faith into this poor child at such a young age. Let me guess… the pastor who hustled him up on stage against his will, right?

But he had all four children baptized. He was a good man.

Yeah, sure, little Emanuele came up with this all by himself.

Folks, this is child abuse, plain and simple.

“But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.” (Mt 18:6)

Ain’t no millstone heavy enough…
He could of just said the boy is crying because his dad passed away, but no, he goes out of his way to tell the story of his father who is an atheist..... Another likely possibility is the boy is an actor, or the story is completely made up and the boy was crying about something else.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Our Lady said to the Children in Fatima: "You have seen Hell where sinners go when they do not repent." Our Lady told three children, ages 10, 8, 7, to "pray, pray very much because many souls go to Hell".
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Miren esta profanación de los muertos que Bergoglio permitía en Argentina:
"Otra novedad de la Arquidiócesis de Buenos Aires Enviado por Moderador el Mié, 07/02/2008 - 16:03.
Las iglesias reciben cenizas de difuntos
Las preguntas son: ¿Promueve el clero la cremación de los cuerpos? ¿Acepta en los recintos sagrados las cenizas de infieles, agnósticos, etc.? ¿Es esto conforme a las disposiciones …More
Miren esta profanación de los muertos que Bergoglio permitía en Argentina:
"Otra novedad de la Arquidiócesis de Buenos Aires Enviado por Moderador el Mié, 07/02/2008 - 16:03.
Las iglesias reciben cenizas de difuntos
Las preguntas son: ¿Promueve el clero la cremación de los cuerpos? ¿Acepta en los recintos sagrados las cenizas de infieles, agnósticos, etc.? ¿Es esto conforme a las disposiciones eclesiásticas?"
One more comment from San Atanasio ora pro nobis
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Santa Hildegarda, Alemania 1179
Atraerá a la gente dándole completa libertad de dejar de observar todos los mandamientos divinos y eclesiásticos, perdonándole sus pecados y exigiendo que sólo crean en su divinidad… tratará de trastornar todo orden en la tierra con sus leyes morales. Por consiguiente, las Sagradas Escrituras se refieren a él como el “desenfrenado”… Desechará toda ley moral y …
Santa Hildegarda, Alemania 1179

Atraerá a la gente dándole completa libertad de dejar de observar todos los mandamientos divinos y eclesiásticos, perdonándole sus pecados y exigiendo que sólo crean en su divinidad… tratará de trastornar todo orden en la tierra con sus leyes morales. Por consiguiente, las Sagradas Escrituras se refieren a él como el “desenfrenado”… Desechará toda ley moral y principios religiosos, para atraer el mundo hacia él. Concederá libertad total de los mandamientos de Dios y de la Iglesia y permitirá que todos vivan según sus pasiones… Se esforzará por hacer que la religión sea conveniente. Dirá que no es necesario ayunar ni amargarse la vida con renunciación… Será suficiente amar a Dios… Predicará el amor ilícito y destrozará los vínculos familiares… sostendrá que el pecado y el vicio no son pecado ni vicio…»
adeste fideles
👍 Atanasio de Trento hace 21 minutos
El video que subió el ateo Scalfari omite la parte donde el niño es forzado a hacer la pregunta.
👍 Atanasio de Trento hace 21 minutos

El video que subió el ateo Scalfari omite la parte donde el niño es forzado a hacer la pregunta.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
En un video entrevistan a la esposa del ateo con el niño en el que impugna la verdad revelada y se sostiene la herejía que si lo dice Bergoglio aunque este en contradicción con el Magisterio y la Palabra de Dios entonces es cierto como la mujer adultera en Argentina que comulga sacrílegamente porque Bergoglio la llamó por teléfono y ella aseguró que Bergpgop le habían dado permiso para comulgar …More
En un video entrevistan a la esposa del ateo con el niño en el que impugna la verdad revelada y se sostiene la herejía que si lo dice Bergoglio aunque este en contradicción con el Magisterio y la Palabra de Dios entonces es cierto como la mujer adultera en Argentina que comulga sacrílegamente porque Bergoglio la llamó por teléfono y ella aseguró que Bergpgop le habían dado permiso para comulgar estando viviendo en pecado mortal de adulterio.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
El video que subió el ateo Scalfari omite la parte donde el niño es forzado a hacer la pregunta.
One more comment from San Atanasio ora pro nobis
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
🤨 ✍️