Understanding God's 10 Commandments. A study of each of the ten commandmentsMore
Understanding God's 10 Commandments.

A study of each of the ten commandments
@godwants your comment is nonsense and not Catholic in the least. Denying or not understanding the grace of purity, chastity and/or virginity made available in the Sacraments of Holy Orders or in Marriage is a sign of an imperfect, or false Christianity.
Thanks be to God for His Holy Priesthood.More
@godwants your comment is nonsense and not Catholic in the least. Denying or not understanding the grace of purity, chastity and/or virginity made available in the Sacraments of Holy Orders or in Marriage is a sign of an imperfect, or false Christianity.

Thanks be to God for His Holy Priesthood.
Godwants ,to say that priests abuse children because they are not married is completly wrong . 1st a lot of men ,and women that abuse children are married .2nd there a lot of priests that are faithfull to the church and to Christ ,the same about spouses that are faithfull to each other and Christ . What the problem is that are some people with these tendencies ,before they enter priestwood ,and they …More
Godwants ,to say that priests abuse children because they are not married is completly wrong . 1st a lot of men ,and women that abuse children are married .2nd there a lot of priests that are faithfull to the church and to Christ ,the same about spouses that are faithfull to each other and Christ . What the problem is that are some people with these tendencies ,before they enter priestwood ,and they dont want to change ,instead they want to change the church to accomodate their sinful ways