597. Kilátás a veszprémfajszi Kálvária domb tetejéről, drónnal. From the top of the Kálvária hill over Veszprémfajsz we can admire the view of the Lake Balaton and the Bakony Hills. With the help …More
597. Kilátás a veszprémfajszi Kálvária domb tetejéről, drónnal.

From the top of the Kálvária hill over Veszprémfajsz we can admire the view of the Lake Balaton and the Bakony Hills. With the help of a drone we can even ascend higher and see the beautiful panorama. CHECK OUT WHERE HAVE I FLOWN BEFORE! You can find all my drone videos on Google Maps, just click on the chosen place and then the picture above it's description: www.google.com/maps/d/viewer AND THERE'S EVEN MORE! If you liked this video check out my: Website: www.gefimedia.hu Facebook: www.facebook.com/gefimedia Instagram: www.instagram.com/gefimedia/ DON'T FORGET TO: * Like this video if you liked it. * Subscribe to my channel if you want to see more drone videos like this: www.youtube.com/channel/UCOUWT6usZkzhcy… * Leave a comment if you have any opinion, question or feedback about this video. #dronevideo #lookout #calvary #bakonyhills #lakebalaton #gefimedia
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