Public School Concentration Camps (Morality-Free Zones) An AP year-long investigation into public schools in America reveals the massive scandal of nearly two thousand instances of reported sexual …More
Public School Concentration Camps (Morality-Free Zones)

An AP year-long investigation into public schools in America reveals the massive scandal of nearly two thousand instances of reported sexual assaults on students as young as 5 years old over the past four years. Dozens of new cases are reported each week, and experts agree that many more cases go unreported in what is a national scandal of unprecedented proportions. Michael Matt discusses the nightmare that is a federal apparatus of mass brainwashing worthy of something right out of George Orwell. But the question is: why? Why are they doing this? What’s behind the systematic indoctrination of America’s kids, which is turning our children into monsters and our schools into ideological concentration camps?
"Woe to the world for causes of sin! For these offenses must come, but woe to the human by whom the offenses will come!" Matthew 18,7
evil to be accepted as normal