Intro to Tridentine Form (3) Part 3. This video explains in detail how to celebrate the traditional Catholic Mass of the Roman Rite that His Holiness Benedict XVI promoted in the Motu Proprio Summorum …More
Intro to Tridentine Form (3)

Part 3. This video explains in detail how to celebrate the traditional Catholic Mass of the Roman Rite that His Holiness Benedict XVI promoted in the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum. For those interested in the video, the DVD format can be ordered through tradidi@live.com and includes English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, and Dutch translations.
HOLY AND REVERENT... it is so refreshing to see the young priests and seminarians dedicated to this Mass of the Saints. How wonderful too, to know that more and more are learning this ancient and Holy Mass. DEO GRATIAS!