A new Catholic-Muslim Forum. A Permanent Catholic-Muslim Forum, that shall meet every two years, alternately in Rome and in a Muslim country, is the result of a two day meeting at the Vatican with five …More
A new Catholic-Muslim Forum.

A Permanent Catholic-Muslim Forum, that shall meet every two years, alternately in Rome and in a Muslim country, is the result of a two day meeting at the Vatican with five Muslim members of the so-called "Letter of the 138" entitled "A Common Word," addressed to the Pope and other Christian leaders.

During the press conference held at the closing of the meeting, the Forum's first activity was announced: a seminar in November at the Vatican with 48 participants-- 24 Catholics and 24 Muslims. The seminar will finish with an audience with Benedict XVI.

Doctor Ibrahim Kalin, of the SETA Foundation in Ankara, Turkey, believes that this Forum will facilitate regular communication.
"So in that regard the Forum, in addition to expanding interfaith dialogue and dealing with issues of spirituality and theology and also social, political issues, will provide something like a crisis management mechanism. So when we have a crisis or an issue I think the lines of communication will be open".

For his part, Sohail Nakhooda, Editor of "Islamica Magazine," advanced to H2onews some of the expectations of this new permanent system of collaboration between Muslims and the Holy See.
"We decided to create a Catholic-Muslim Forum and the aim of this Forum is to institutionalize this particular effort, particularly the effort of meeting and discussing and from those meetings and discussions to then build on programs and other forums, activities, publishing, joint programs, and so on."