
Apostate Church. The apostate Church is causing many souls to go to perdition!

and now what???

Toni Fabers Luxusheim. Bilder aus der Wohnung des Wiener Dompfarrers Faber. www.heute.at, 06.05.2014…

of course herr dompharer is poor: he has no shoes to wear

Toni Fabers Luxusheim. Bilder aus der Wohnung des Wiener Dompfarrers Faber. www.heute.at, 06.05.2014…

is this a Church with and for the poor?????????????

The 'Messy' Papacy (Aug 2, 2013) ChurchMilitantTV: Well, talk about making a 'mess' is exactly what …

mgr Ricca is NOT a bishop!!!

FEMEN-Attacke gegen Erzbischof Leonard (Brüssel)

Sainte Marie, Mére de Dieu,
priez pour nous
pauvre pêcheurs
MAINTENANT et à l'heure de notre mort.

Acolytes should be trained better to avoid disturbances during Mass

Let us pray for this woman and for all men who don't know that during holy Mass it is Jesus who is the center.

Konservative Priesterinitiative im Bistum Augsburg

Why in the title "konservative"???
They are priests from the Roman Catholic Church not conservative just Roman Catholic!!!

Mechelen Te deum 21 juli 2012 Mechelen Te deum 21 juli 2012 met bisschop Lemmens

Het liturgisch meubilair in deze kathedraal is ronduit lelijk.
Voor het Deum enkel de bisschop en amper een acoliet...????

ENFANTS PREDICATEURS. Au Brésil, ils sont des centaines de " prédicateurs en culotte courte " à …

attention ceci n'est pas catholique romaine

Gloria TV News on the 13th of March

thank you from Belgium

"Ordination" of John. IF anyone knows who the bishop (if he is one) here, and where this was performed …

it is impossible to be ordainend for "the gay community"?????
Which "catholic tradition"?

P.Abrahamowicz, Nachrichten aus der domus M. Lefebvre

Is this a catholic priest and the bishops he speaks about are this really catholic bishops?

Algérie : se convertir de l'islam à Jésus-Christ !

Ou est l' Eglise Catholique Romaine?

Algérie - Mosquées vides, Églises pleines !

Ou est l'Eglise Catholique Romaine?.....

Mass Eröffnung der Sonderversammlung für den Nahen Osten von der Bischofssynode. Vatikan

So many people take pictures or are filming while the choir is singing the litany od het saints.
While filming en taking pictures where is the prayer attitude to prepare oneself to the beginning of the holy sacriface of the Eucharisty

Ad orientem mass in Mockfjärd. Part of the mass (Offertory and Eucharistic prayer until Pax) on 3rd …

is this not een lutheran service?