
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Catherine of Alexandria

Many thanks, mrsreneoriordan, that will definitely be of help to me.

Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Catherine of Alexandria

Thank you holyrope 3 and rhemes1582 for your kind words. This has been a bad week. I still can't believe it. I can't understand why things were brought up in the way they were. It is not making it easy when something so important is made an issue of ridicule. Surely things cannot get any worse!

Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Catherine of Alexandria

@ACLumsden. I am very grateful for your link. I was not aware of the presence of the Institute of Christ the King in Ireland. Unfortunately I am at the opposite end of the country, but maybe they will expand in the future. My point about the Jews is that, it would seem that Benedict XVI does not share the view that the Jews require to be converted. When discussing his revision of the Good Friday …More
@ACLumsden. I am very grateful for your link. I was not aware of the presence of the Institute of Christ the King in Ireland. Unfortunately I am at the opposite end of the country, but maybe they will expand in the future. My point about the Jews is that, it would seem that Benedict XVI does not share the view that the Jews require to be converted. When discussing his revision of the Good Friday prayer he states; "But also in such a way that one did not pray directly for the conversion of the Jews in a missionary sense, but that the Lord might hasten the historic hour in which we will all be united." I think the repercussions from this book are going to reverberate for a while to come.

Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Catherine of Alexandria

@ACLumsden- Many thanks for your suggestions. Would that it were that easy. Here in Ireland there is no such thing as a Traditional Mass in the way you describe it and it is either the Novus Ordo or the SSPX. I am well aware of the origins of the SSPX and have always believed that in times of crisis you sometimes have to take a path that may seem on the surface to be wrong in order to hold on to …More
@ACLumsden- Many thanks for your suggestions. Would that it were that easy. Here in Ireland there is no such thing as a Traditional Mass in the way you describe it and it is either the Novus Ordo or the SSPX. I am well aware of the origins of the SSPX and have always believed that in times of crisis you sometimes have to take a path that may seem on the surface to be wrong in order to hold on to the truth. They cannot make us change our Faith, and that is what my experience of going to the Novus Ordo is. What I don't understand is according to Benedict XVI the Jews do not need to convert but the SSPX do. I believe that more scandal has been caused by this book than has ever been caused by the SSPX.

Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Catherine of Alexandria

I am beginning to get really depressed with the Pope's book. What was he thinking of? I go to Mass at the SSPX chaple too and it seems now I'm not even a Catholic. Well if I were Pope I would not discuss the things in that book, nor would I appoint modernist bishops! This time last week I thought everything was getting better with the Church. A week is a long time in religion!

Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Agnes of Assisi

Thank you, Doina, for being so inspiring, and for making me smile.