Gloria TV News on the Feast of Blessed Luke Belludi. Problems With In Vitro Fertilization UK Children who are conceived by in vitro fertilization face elevated risks of health problems – Daily Mail …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of Blessed Luke Belludi.
Problems With In Vitro Fertilization
Children who are conceived by in vitro fertilization face elevated risks of health problems – Daily Mail reports. The health problems include according to medical studies birth defects, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. As the first generation of In-Vitro-babies reaches adulthood, there are also indications that they face a higher rate of infertility - perhaps a genetic trait inherited from their parents. A doctor in the vanguard of in vitro fertilization treatment says that parents are willing to accept the risk that their children might be infertile, reasoning that the children, too, can receive in vitro fertilization treatment.
Pope Marks Anniversary of a Shipwreck

From April 17th through the 18th, 2010, Benedict XVI will travel to Malta. The pastoral visit will mark the 1950th anniversary of St. Paul’s shipwreck on the island. Aaccording to tradition it took place in the …More
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