Episode 5: Anti-bullying Program Proposes Lesbian Kissing Between Little Girls. Michael Matt discusses a recent anti-bullying campain in a public school that provides yet another reason to support home …More
Episode 5: Anti-bullying Program Proposes Lesbian Kissing Between Little Girls.
Michael Matt discusses a recent anti-bullying campain in a public school that provides yet another reason to support home-schooling
Yes! We must expose these homos who defile our society!
Homosexuals are everywhere..but we must expose it for what it is...SIN!
My prayers will be with this family.
Remnant..good work with exposing this evil homosexual agenda, who are so desperate to get to the youth, so that society will have to except (they think) they're evil ways! Keep up the good work!
Thanks Mr. Matt...this is very important, and we must promote Homeschooling if we want our children to grow up to be good Catholics.
I read about this homo indoctrination of making these students kiss same sex students. Parents should sue any school or institution who promote such immoral degradation as this! And Dolan says we need to have "compassion" for these sodomites!