What made Dr. Peter Kreeft become a Catholic? - Pt. 1 Dr. Peter John Kreeft, a professor of philosophy at Boston College and The King's College, was born in 1937 into a loving and faithful Protestant …More
What made Dr. Peter Kreeft become a Catholic? - Pt. 1
Dr. Peter John Kreeft, a professor of philosophy at Boston College and The King's College, was born in 1937 into a loving and faithful Protestant family that belonged to the Reformed Church in America (www.rca.org), a mainline Calvinist denomination with about 250,000 members, with the total declining in recent decades. Dr. Kreeft was brought up with all the typical anti-Catholic prejudices that Protestants in mid-Twentieth Century America had: the Catholic Church was the Whore of Babylon, the Great Idolater; Catholics worshipped Mary, the saints, images, bread, and priests; they were worse than pagans. So, what made Dr. Peter Kreeft become a Catholic? Listen and learn! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fight and pray for the Kingship of Christ! Join Una Voce Miami! Enjoy the video. Recommend it to your family and friends. Courtesy of Una Voce Miami, POB 350372, Jose Marti Station, Miami …More
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