
Words No Catholic Bishop Would Ever Say "Come and get me"

Dobson tears into Obama: 'Come and get me' WASHINGTON – James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family and Family Talk Radio, a harsh critic of President Obama and an opponent in court, on Thursday …More
Dobson tears into Obama: 'Come and get me'
WASHINGTON – James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family and Family Talk Radio, a harsh critic of President Obama and an opponent in court, on Thursday described him as the “abortion president” during an address at the National Day of Prayer.
Dobson, whose organization recently won a court fight against Obama over a mandate in Obamacare that would have required his ministry to pay for abortion pills, has not been shy about challenging the president on his abortion agenda.
At one point during the fight over the imposition of the abortion mandate, he said to the president: “Come and get me. I will not yield to your wicked regulations.”
The fact that Obama is more supportive of abortion than any other chief executive in the U.S. was touted by none other than Planned Parenthood.
In a report on his 2013 keynote address to a gala by Planned Parenthood, the largest player in the nation’s abortion industry, Cecile Richards, chief of the organization …More
Posting biblical quotes or quotes from the saints seems to be your Modus Operandi but doing so adds nothing new to the discussion and that is why I deleted your post. Anyone can do it.
Although it requires more consideration, post your own thoughts as I did earlier.More

Posting biblical quotes or quotes from the saints seems to be your Modus Operandi but doing so adds nothing new to the discussion and that is why I deleted your post. Anyone can do it.

Although it requires more consideration, post your own thoughts as I did earlier.
If more Christians (including Catholic bishops who represent over 100 million Catholics in the U.S.)would take this public stand, we could end Obamacare's abortion-drug mandate for good. Instead. these cowardly bishops violate Church Law (Canon 915) and give Communion to pro abort Catholic pols.
They make a mockery of One True Church established by Jesus Christ.More
If more Christians (including Catholic bishops who represent over 100 million Catholics in the U.S.)would take this public stand, we could end Obamacare's abortion-drug mandate for good. Instead. these cowardly bishops violate Church Law (Canon 915) and give Communion to pro abort Catholic pols.

They make a mockery of One True Church established by Jesus Christ.