No Surprise: Tucho Falsifies John Paul II in "Dignitas Infinita"

Tucho Fernández, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Dissolution of the Faith, refers to John Paul II in "Dignitas Infinita", but misrepresents him. In DI 39, Tucho promotes pacifism and offers the …More
Tucho Fernández, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Dissolution of the Faith, refers to John Paul II in "Dignitas Infinita", but misrepresents him.
In DI 39, Tucho promotes pacifism and offers the following quotation from John Paul II's encyclical 'Redemptor hominis' (1979). "In the name of God and in the name of man: Do not kill! Do not prepare destruction and extermination for people! Think of your brothers and sisters who suffer hunger and misery! Respect the dignity and freedom of every human being! (RH 16)"
Tucho implies that John Paul II always considered killing in war to be a violation of the fifth commandment: "Thou shalt not kill". But this is not true. John Paul II also adds in the quoted passage (RH 16) that "modern weapons and means of destruction" can be used in wars to "defend just rights and sovereignty".
Everyday for Life Canada
Everything published by this pontificate needs to be repealed and shredded. Everything.
Kissy needs to keep Pope Saint John Paul the Great’s name out of his nasty, filthy mouth….and off of the pages of that excrement he writes.
Sean Johnson
“The Great,” 🤣😂😆
Sean Johnson
I hate it when modernists misrepresent modernists.
Alex A
Pope John Paul was a man of many considerations but outright pacifism was not one of them.