Nightfever Ireland. The idea behind Nightfever is simple -- open a city centre Church at night, fill it with candle-light and prayerful live music, and invite passers-by inside. It's an opportunity to …More
Nightfever Ireland.
The idea behind Nightfever is simple -- open a city centre Church at night, fill it with candle-light and prayerful live music, and invite passers-by inside. It's an opportunity to invite people to pause for a moment, to put aside their initial plan and to come into the Church to light a candle. The Church is open to all, and visitors can stay for as little or as long as they wish. To find out when the next Nightfever is happening near you, or to set up a Nightfever event in your local Church, visit www.nightfever.org or www.facebook.com/nightfeverireland
Gerti Harzl shares this
Vielen ein Wegweiser: Neues in der Kirche.
Vielen ein Wegweiser: Neues in der Kirche.

Agostinho Obzut
it is a great initiative! I'm happy to see that young people are keeping the catholic faith alive. God be praised! 👍 👍 👍