Germanwings Flight 4U9525 plane crash in France - BBC News. BBC on Mar 24, 2015 Breaking News: Germanwings Airbus A320 airliner has crashed in the French Alps between Barcelonnette and Digne, French …More
Germanwings Flight 4U9525 plane crash in France - BBC News.
BBC on Mar 24, 2015 Breaking News: Germanwings Airbus A320 airliner has crashed in the French Alps between Barcelonnette and Digne, French aviation officials and police have said. The jet belongs to the German low-cost airline Germanwings, a subsidiary of Lufthansa. The plane had reportedly been en route from Barcelona to Dusseldorf and was carrying 142 passengers and six crew. Both Airbus and Germanwings have said they aware of the reports but cannot yet confirm them.
✍️ Alone at controls, co-pilot 'intentionally' destroyed plane
PARIS (AP) — The co-pilot of the Germanwings jet barricaded himself in the cockpit and intentionally rammed the plane full speed into the French Alps, ignoring the captain's frantic pounding on the door and the screams of terror from passengers, a prosecutor said Thursday.
In a split second, all 150 people aboard the plane were dead. …More
✍️ Alone at controls, co-pilot 'intentionally' destroyed plane
PARIS (AP) — The co-pilot of the Germanwings jet barricaded himself in the cockpit and intentionally rammed the plane full speed into the French Alps, ignoring the captain's frantic pounding on the door and the screams of terror from passengers, a prosecutor said Thursday.
In a split second, all 150 people aboard the plane were dead.
Andreas Lubitz's "intention (was) to destroy this plane," Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin said, laying out the horrifying conclusions French investigators reached after listening to the last minutes of Tuesday's Flight 9525 from the plane's black box voice data recorder.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the conclusions brought the tragedy to a "new, simply incomprehensible dimension."
The prosecutor said there was no indication of terrorism, and did not elaborate on why investigators do not suspect a political motive. He said they are instead focusing on the co-pilot's "personal, family and professional environment" to try to determine why he did it.…
✍️ Report: France jet audio shows pilot locked out of cockpit
One of the pilots is heard leaving the cockpit, then banging on the door with increasing urgency in an unsuccessful attempt to get back in.
"The guy outside is knocking lightly on the door and there is no answer," The New York Times quotes an unidentified investigator as saying. "And then he hits the door stronger and no answer. There …More
✍️ Report: France jet audio shows pilot locked out of cockpit
One of the pilots is heard leaving the cockpit, then banging on the door with increasing urgency in an unsuccessful attempt to get back in.

"The guy outside is knocking lightly on the door and there is no answer," The New York Times quotes an unidentified investigator as saying. "And then he hits the door stronger and no answer. There is never an answer."
Eventually, the newspaper quotes the investigator as saying: "You can hear he is trying to smash the door down."
The investigator, whom the newspaper said could not be identified because the investigation is continuing, said officials don't know why the pilot left. He also does not speculate on why the other pilot didn't open the door or make contact with ground control before the crash.…
2 more comments from Irapuato
These are the nationalities of the A320 victims, as confirmed by either Germanwings or their country's governments:
72 Germans
35 Spaniards; Spain says there may be up to 39
3 British, confirmed by the government, which says there may be more
3 Kazakhs
3 Americans
2 Argentines
2 Australians
2 Colombians
2 Iranians
2 Japanese
2 Venezuelans
1 Belgian
1 Dane
1 Dutch
1 Israeli
1 Mexican
1 Moroccan
1 Turk …More
These are the nationalities of the A320 victims, as confirmed by either Germanwings or their country's governments:

72 Germans

35 Spaniards; Spain says there may be up to 39

3 British, confirmed by the government, which says there may be more

3 Kazakhs

3 Americans

2 Argentines

2 Australians

2 Colombians

2 Iranians

2 Japanese

2 Venezuelans

1 Belgian

1 Dane

1 Dutch

1 Israeli

1 Mexican

1 Moroccan

1 Turk…/live-updates-3-…
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+++ In der Maschine befand sich eine Gruppe von 16 Schülern und zwei Lehrern aus Haltern in Nordrhein-Westfalen +++
🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
Tina 13
Der Direktor des Joseph-König-Gymnasiums in Haltern hat alle Schüler nach Hause geschickt, berichtet die „Halterner Zeitung“ – und bestätigt damit die schlimmsten Befürchtungen:
An Bord der abgestürzten Germanwings-Maschine sollen sich auch 16 Schüler und 2 Lehrerinnen der Europaschule in Nordrhein-Westfalen befunden haben. "Wir wissen, dass die Schülergruppe an Bord der Maschine gegangen ist …More
Der Direktor des Joseph-König-Gymnasiums in Haltern hat alle Schüler nach Hause geschickt, berichtet die „Halterner Zeitung“ – und bestätigt damit die schlimmsten Befürchtungen:
An Bord der abgestürzten Germanwings-Maschine sollen sich auch 16 Schüler und 2 Lehrerinnen der Europaschule in Nordrhein-Westfalen befunden haben. "Wir wissen, dass die Schülergruppe an Bord der Maschine gegangen ist", sagte Schulministerin Sylvia Löhrmann (Grüne) am Dienstag dem WDR. Das bestätigte eine Sprecherin des Ministeriums gegenüber FOCUS Online.
Direktor der Austauschschule bestätigt, dass Schüler an Bord waren
Sie seien auf dem Rückweg von einem einwöchigen Schüleraustausch in der Nähe von Barcelona gewesen, heißt es. Die Schule wollte das gegenüber FOCUS Online zunächst nicht offiziell bestätigen. Man müsse jedoch "derzeit davon ausgehen, dass die Schüler tatsächlich in dem Flugzeug saßen“, so ein Sprecher der Stadt gegenüber FOCUS Online. Das Auswärtige Amt habe jedoch noch nichts offiziell bestätigt.…/sie-kehrten-von…