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Catedral de Sta. Eulalia, Barcelona. Budgetplaces on Jun 14, 2010 La Catedral de Barcelona, también conocida como la Catedral de la Santa Cruz y Santa Eulalia, es un templo religioso gótico, sede del …Más
Catedral de Sta. Eulalia, Barcelona.
Budgetplaces on Jun 14, 2010 La Catedral de Barcelona, también conocida como la Catedral de la Santa Cruz y Santa Eulalia, es un templo religioso gótico, sede del Arzobispado de Barcelona. En los alrededores se encuentran calles importantes como la Via Laietana; la Plaça Sant Jaume, sede del gobierno de la Generalitat y Portal de l'Àngel, una calle peatonal plagada de tiendas, entre otros sitios de interés. La Catedral fue construida entre el s. XIII y el s. XV para honrar a la patrona de la ciudad, Santa Eulalia. Aquí se hallan las tumbas de varios señores y personajes reales del Condado de Barcelona y la corona de Aragón, como por ejemplo Ramón Berenguer I y Alfonso III de Aragón. En el año 1929, el templo fue declarado Monumento Histórico Artístico Nacional, no en vano miles de turistas lo visitan cada año. Delante de su fachada principal se instala cada año el mercado navideño de Santa Llúcia. Una catedral imponente en el corazón de Barcelona.
Santa Eulalia de Barcelona (llamada también Ollala o Eulària) (Barcelona, h. 290 - id. 12 de febrero de 303) fue una mártir cristiana. Fue canonizada en 633 y se considera santa tanto por la Iglesia Católica Romana como por la Ortodoxa.
Es la patrona de los municipios de Barcelona, Perpiñán y Riudecols.
Saint Eulàlia (Aulaire, Aulazia, Ollala, Eulària) (ca. 290-12 February 303), co-patron saint of Barcelona, was a 13-year-old Roman Christian virgin who suffered martyrdom in Barcelona during the persecution of Christians in the reign of emperor Diocletian. There is some dispute as to whether she is the same person as Saint Eulalia of Mérida, whose story is similar.[1]
Relief of Eulalia by Bartolomé …Más
Saint Eulàlia (Aulaire, Aulazia, Ollala, Eulària) (ca. 290-12 February 303), co-patron saint of Barcelona, was a 13-year-old Roman Christian virgin who suffered martyrdom in Barcelona during the persecution of Christians in the reign of emperor Diocletian. There is some dispute as to whether she is the same person as Saint Eulalia of Mérida, whose story is similar.[1]

Relief of Eulalia by Bartolomé Ordóñez in the Cathedral of Santa Eulalia.
For refusing to recant her Christianity, the Romans subjected her to thirteen tortures; including:
Putting her into a barrel with knives (or glass) stuck into it and rolling it down a street (according to tradition, the one now called Baixada de Santa Eulalia "Saint Eulalia's descent").[2]
Cutting off her breasts
Crucifixion on an X-shaped cross. She is depicted with this cross, the instrument of her martyrdom.
Finally, decapitation.

Stylized X-shaped Cross of Santa Eulalia in L'Hospitalet

Painting in Barcelona Cathedral of St. Eulalia with the X-shaped "cross saltire"
A dove flew from her neck after decapitation. This is one point of similarity with the story of Eulalia of Mérida, in which a dove flew from the girl's mouth at the moment of her death. In addition, Eulalia of Mérida's tortures are sometimes enumerated among the Barcelona martyrs, and the two were similar in age and year of death.
Eulalia is commemorated with statues and street names throughout Barcelona.[2] Her body was originally interred in the church of Santa Maria de les Arenes (St. Mary of the Sands; now Santa Maria del Mar, St. Mary of the Sea). It was hidden in 713 during the Moorish invasion, and only recovered in 878. In 1339, it was relocated to an alabaster sarcophagus in the crypt of the newly-built Cathedral of Santa Eulalia.[3] The festival of Saint Eulalia is held in Barcelona for a week around her feast day on February 12.