Francis is Irritated -- with a Pro-Marriage Book Published by Ignatius Press

A new book with articles by prominent churchmen is about to be released worldwide in several languages (in English by Ignatius Press, under the title "Remaining in the Truth of Christ"), with important …More
A new book with articles by prominent churchmen is about to be released worldwide in several languages (in English by Ignatius Press, under the title "Remaining in the Truth of Christ"), with important articles strongly defending all aspects related to the traditional Catholic doctrine on family and marriage, and the integrity of Blessed Sacrament, words that come from Our Lord Himself.
It is therefore a book that, precisely because it intends to protect the doctrine on the sacraments of Matrimony, Confession, and the Eucharist, stands in direct and explicit contradiction with Cardinal Kasper's attempts to subvert the traditional doctrine of the Church. However, according to a Vatican correspondent of the semi-official daily and Catholic paper of record of the French Episcopate, La Croix (as authoritive a source as there can be for Catholic news in French), in an article published in today's print edition, Francis is greatly irritated with this book, so much so that he specifically …More
If I was the Pope I would excommunicate Cardinal Kasper immediately!
‘The Church is not against birth control at all’: Cardinal Walter Kasper…More
‘The Church is not against birth control at all’: Cardinal Walter Kasper…
Cardinal Kasper Leads a Progressive Coalition to Elect a Weak '' Pope''.…/cardinal-kasper…More
Cardinal Kasper Leads a Progressive Coalition to Elect a Weak '' Pope''.…/cardinal-kasper…
Immaculate heart
Gloria.TV News on the 4th of April 2014
Cardinal Kasper falsifies quotes of the Fathers:
In his recent attempt to justify communion for adulterers Cardinal Kasper tampered with quotes from Church Fathers according to the patristic scholar John Rist in the "Catholic Herald". Kasper quoted, for example, Origen who mentions bishops who allow adulterers to receive communion. But he withheld that Origen …More
Gloria.TV News on the 4th of April 2014

Cardinal Kasper falsifies quotes of the Fathers:
In his recent attempt to justify communion for adulterers Cardinal Kasper tampered with quotes from Church Fathers according to the patristic scholar John Rist in the "Catholic Herald". Kasper quoted, for example, Origen who mentions bishops who allow adulterers to receive communion. But he withheld that Origen states at least three times that this practice contradicts the Bible. Three other quotes from Basil, Gregory and Augustine mentioned by Kasper show that bigamy existed in the Old Church but not that the Church agreed with it. Kasper's citation of the Council of Nicea was also manipulated. The Council does not speak of adulterers but of legitimate second marriages after the death of one spouse.
Immaculate heart…/pope-francis-is…
This is how Ignatius Press describes it:
In this volume five Cardinals of the Church, and four other scholars, respond to the call issued by Cardinal Walter Kasper for the Church to harmonize “fidelity and mercy in its pastoral practice with civilly remarried, divorced people”. Contributors include Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, Cardinal Raymond Leo …More…/pope-francis-is…

This is how Ignatius Press describes it:

In this volume five Cardinals of the Church, and four other scholars, respond to the call issued by Cardinal Walter Kasper for the Church to harmonize “fidelity and mercy in its pastoral practice with civilly remarried, divorced people”. Contributors include Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, Cardinal Velasio De Paolis, C.S., Robert Dodaro, O.S.A., Paul Mankowski, S.J., Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, John M. Rist, and Archbishop Cyril Vasil, S.J.

Cardinal Kasper claims support for his position in early Church practice. The contributors bring their wealth of knowledge and expertise to bear upon this question, concluding that patristic and biblical texts do not support the kind of “toleration” of civil marriages following divorce advocated by Cardinal Kasper. They also examine the Eastern Orthodox practice of oikonomia (understood as “mercy” implying “toleration”) in cases of remarriage after divorce and in the context of the vexed question of Eucharistic communion. The book traces the long history of Catholic resistance to this convention, revealing serious theological difficulties inherent in past and current Orthodox Church practice.

As the authors demonstrate, the charge that traditional Catholic doctrine and contemporary pastoral practice are in contradiction is an erroneous perception that can be remedied by closer examination of the Church’s teachings.

"Because it is the task of the apostolic ministry to ensure that the Church remains in the truth of Christ and to lead her ever more deeply into that truth, pastors must promote the sense of faith in all the faithful, examine and authoritatively judge the genuineness of its expressions and educate the faithful in an ever more mature evangelical discernment."
- St. John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio [Source]
"But the spirit says clearly that in recent times A few of the faith will fall off and attach seducing spirits and diabolical doctrines." 1.Timotheus 4.1...
"... The evil will occur in the power of Satan with great force and man signs and wonders, and with any seduction of injustice among those who perish, because they love the truth did not accept, that they would be rescued. Therefore God sends …More
"But the spirit says clearly that in recent times A few of the faith will fall off and attach seducing spirits and diabolical doctrines." 1.Timotheus 4.1...

"... The evil will occur in the power of Satan with great force and man signs and wonders, and with any seduction of injustice among those who perish, because they love the truth did not accept, that they would be rescued. Therefore God sends the power of seduction them, making them believe the lie to those who did not believe the truth, but had pleasure at the injustice."
Thessalonians 2.8-12
...the man of lawlessness[b][c] is revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. 2 Thessalonians 2