
Salt and Light TV slams Cardinal Burke as being in an ‘Ivory Tower’

by Pete Baklinski Lauding the Vatican’s Synod on the Family as “huge” change, a producer from Canada’s Catholic TV network Salt and Light, headed by CEO Fr. Thomas Rosica, has criticized outspoken …More
by Pete Baklinski
Lauding the Vatican’s Synod on the Family as “huge” change, a producer from Canada’s Catholic TV network Salt and Light, headed by CEO Fr. Thomas Rosica, has criticized outspoken champion of orthodoxy Cardinal Raymond Burke, suggesting that he is in an “ivory tower” and “sticking to the ideal” instead of ministering to people — such as homosexuals and the divorced — caught up in the “messiness of life.”
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Rome will lose the faith - 'We should get rid of old structures, they have NO use', 'proselytism is a solemn nonsense', 'who am I to judge'
IMMACULATE purity of our order and others will be eclipsed - the Franciscans of the immaculate being hammered and the capuchins marching at a gay parade.
Emmerich's vision saw the most holiest pope ever to walk the earth and his wicked bishops with the live …More
Rome will lose the faith - 'We should get rid of old structures, they have NO use', 'proselytism is a solemn nonsense', 'who am I to judge'

IMMACULATE purity of our order and others will be eclipsed - the Franciscans of the immaculate being hammered and the capuchins marching at a gay parade.

Emmerich's vision saw the most holiest pope ever to walk the earth and his wicked bishops with the live and let live.

2015 Synod... Apostasy will ne signed.
Rome WILL lose faith and becomes the seat of the Antichrist. Our Lady of la Salette.
The IMMACULATE purity of our order and others WILL be eclipsed because instead of opposing error many chose to obey. St Francis of Assisi.
And I saw the devil seating uponthis gathering of people and the clergy of that time were ones with the philosophy 'Live and let live.' Bl. Catherine Emmerich.
'The apostasy …More
Rome WILL lose faith and becomes the seat of the Antichrist. Our Lady of la Salette.

The IMMACULATE purity of our order and others WILL be eclipsed because instead of opposing error many chose to obey. St Francis of Assisi.

And I saw the devil seating uponthis gathering of people and the clergy of that time were ones with the philosophy 'Live and let live.' Bl. Catherine Emmerich.

'The apostasy needs to happen and the man of perdition revealed' 2 Thes 2:11

After this pope's death (John XXIII) 3 more popes shall come forth, actually it is 4 popes but our Lady doesn't count 1 because he will reign for a short time; our Lady said after this 3 popes there shall be no more and the end time (which is not the end of the world) shall begin. Conchita Gonzalez 3 popes prophecy, Garabandal seers backed by pope Paul VI and Fr. Pio.
I understand the loss of the Catholic Faith in Canada is so bad: The only Catholics that attend Mass are called white heads. {old folks}
Marriage as a Sacrament is almost non existent.
Preaching/teaching morality {sin of Sodomy}is punishable by law.
Clearly the Catholics in Canada have been failed by the Church.
I for one prefer the Ivory Tower that leads to Heaven;
over surrendering the faith for …More
I understand the loss of the Catholic Faith in Canada is so bad: The only Catholics that attend Mass are called white heads. {old folks}
Marriage as a Sacrament is almost non existent.
Preaching/teaching morality {sin of Sodomy}is punishable by law.

Clearly the Catholics in Canada have been failed by the Church.
I for one prefer the Ivory Tower that leads to Heaven;
over surrendering the faith for the stench of the pig pen that leads to Hell.

Maybe if Catholic Religious would stop surrendering to the devil & world
fewer Christian Countries would be dying.

The Ivory tower would once again not be slang for something ugly, but would in fact be the UNSPOTTED BRIDE OF CHRIST
The Holy Catholic Church.

God Bless Cardinal Burke.
May God be praised in His faithful servants
Fr. Thomas Rosica is being stupid here and I mean stupid not misinformed! He needs to just go ahead and announce that he is a pro sodomy protestant - leave the catholic church and move on with his life. With a mentality like this he will never convince anyone that he is part of the Catholic Church. Is there anyone who actually listens to him? Poor man.
Prof. Leonard Wessell
Oh, you innocents, you youth of today. Years ago, many indeed, long before any of your were even a twinkle in your fathers eye (and maybe before your father was feven conceived) there appeared on the moral scene something (and I remember it) called "Situation Ethics", an ethics that considered itself as accepting the moral teachings of Jesus, namely: LOVE! (Before I continue, does not the reduction …More
Oh, you innocents, you youth of today. Years ago, many indeed, long before any of your were even a twinkle in your fathers eye (and maybe before your father was feven conceived) there appeared on the moral scene something (and I remember it) called "Situation Ethics", an ethics that considered itself as accepting the moral teachings of Jesus, namely: LOVE! (Before I continue, does not the reduction of Jesus' teaching to the content of love sound like proclamations made today, particularly by those who seem to want to accept and affirm homosexuality, remarried couples or serial polygamy and who hurl thunderbolds of scrorn at those "in an ivory tower" --where I spent most of my working life--, those rigid misfits bound to the "law" and afraid of the "surprises" of the Spirit, e.g., read the posting above in toto. Situation ethics is an ethics, free of any hard and fast law, and solely wed to "love". But what is "love"?

"Love" is welcoming others, helping others, seeking to aid others, etc., etc. (Below I will reveal the essence of "etc.") Let me illustrate what is meant here by a case taken from Sit. Ethics. A young man, heterosexual and longing eventually for marriage, is so psychologically unsure of himself that he cannot even function sexually, no matter what arrousal he does not arise to the situation. A young woman enters his life. She feels no real sexual attraction to the man and wants no marriage, but knows of his troubled sexual psyche. So, she approaches lovingly the young man, takes up a sexual relation with him (I mean SEX!), but at all times psychologically trying to use sexual intercourse as, well, a sort of therapy, motivated by her "Christian" (sic) love of the young man and his specific needs in this life. After some months she effects a therapeutic change in the man and, well, he can now perform sex acts. He is "cured" in this world by the means of this world. So, we now can ascertain the essence of "love" in each "etc." as THE supposed message of Jesus. And that would be?

"Love" sees life as one big need of therapy. If person X loves a troubled person Y, said person X will do whatever is necessary to aid person Y to overcome his specific "troubles" in this world and within the terms of this ongoing life in this situation at this time in this place. --I hope that the reader noted all the "this'es" as they reveal the essence of "situation" of "Situation Ethics". The ethics are those of "love" (supposedly preached by Jesus), and "love" is but a short expression for seeking therapeutically to help one's neighbor to live happily in THIS world (the "afterlife" being one of those quirks of the inhabitants of the "Ivory Tower"). Now, we know what the "ethics" of "Situation Ethics" means. But we know more:

We have an insight into the structure of argumentation of those who follow Bishop Bergoglio (he does like being called the Bishop of Rome, so he should be addressed as such). J'accuse the Pope, Cardinal Kasper, Canada' Catholic TV, etc. of being de facto adherents to Situation Ethics. Jesus may have spoken against remarriage, but that is but Jesus' then situation and we live in the "then" now. "Love" qua therapy remains THE same (and only) moral imperative, the application changes according to the "this" NOW, i.e., withing the values of the modern world.

I do hope some of you innocents have just lost your innocence, viz., innocent viewing of the Pope and his Synod. Give the Pope enough time and "innocence" will become situational.
Dr Bobus
Typical liberal thoughtlessness. They set up false alternatives, thinking that someone must choose between Church doctrine and people. In fact, the requirement is to embrace both.
I was speaking with a priest friend the other night, and we both agreed that those who are continually talking pastoral this and pastoral that have no natural rapport with people. Instead they have to depend on liberal …More
Typical liberal thoughtlessness. They set up false alternatives, thinking that someone must choose between Church doctrine and people. In fact, the requirement is to embrace both.

I was speaking with a priest friend the other night, and we both agreed that those who are continually talking pastoral this and pastoral that have no natural rapport with people. Instead they have to depend on liberal ideology.

Beam me up, Scotty, there's no intelligence life here.
On Guard
If you don't clean up the "messiness of life".....you won't have a life. You have to present God's Rules... then it is up to the sinner to decide. They call that "FREE WILL". Whoever denies that is part of the problem.
Abramo, Canadians who've been familiar with Fr Rosica for a while know that he is definitely part of the problem!
If he thinks that Cardinal Burke is in an "Ivory Tower" then Fr Thomas Rosica is part of the problem.