
Hans Küng is "Overjoyed" About Pope Francis -- "No Need to be a Pope Critic Any More"

In an interview with the Südwestpresse, the heretical Swiss theologian Hans Küng is thrilled by Pope Francis. "He has already achieved some things that can no longer be withdrawn," Küng is convinced …More
In an interview with the Südwestpresse, the heretical Swiss theologian Hans Küng is thrilled by Pope Francis. "He has already achieved some things that can no longer be withdrawn," Küng is convinced. "It can not even be foreseen what the changes already initiated mean."
Even for Hans Küng there seems to be doubt as to what course is actually being pursued by the Argentine Pope. He has "joy" about the new Pope, but this is not detrimental. Although "not yet decided upon which course he will really strike out upon" but "to think that he was not a reformer, would be to close our eyes to the facts." The fact that Francis is a reformer, Küng is points directly to form. Rightly, he notes, "There is control over the content. But if a Pope greets the people with "buona sera", that is a signal. "
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Hans Küng is "Overjoyed" About Francis -- "No Need to be a Pope Critic Any More"
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Hans Küng is "Overjoyed" About Francis -- "No Need to be a Pope Critic Any More"

What a blether this fake is. He and his pals are so "in the know" about the Pope and all that is to happen in their sad little fantasy world. God save us from such pompous fools.
Ego, ego, ego.....what a yawn maker he and his little gaggle of blethers really are.
Of course now the the work in the same team 😲