Trudeau is wasting $8.4 million on “research across the global south to better understand how climate change interacts with democratic decline.”
John A Cassani
When did the global south even have “democracy” established to the extent that there could be an observed decline, regardless of how much the weather affected it?
Defeat Modernism
Climate change is a communist deception. There is no climate change other than that which naturally occurs.
I can save him $9 million - "climate change" hysteria leads to totalitarianism by NGO's, the U.N. and other globalist entities, hence "democratic decline" Or did Trudeau mean demographic decline - well that's the plan!
Vincent Capuano
Free Canada from this tyranny! When will the US Congress do something? There is a Communist takeover of a neighboring country and there is no public response. No condemnation, nothing!
@Vincent Capuano Sorry we're busy fighting our own communist takeover! (gallows humor)
Everyday for Life Canada
This is just a distraction from blackface Trudeau who is bankrupting Canada by serving the WEF agenda, not Canadians. The narcissist has zero integrity or he would have resigned long ago.