
Erie County DA now investigating allegations brought by former seminarian

BUFFALO, NY (WKBW) — The Erie County District Attorney has opened an investigation into allegations brought by a former seminarian. …
Got some bad news for you Lalanz. It is not illegal anymore to be a homosexual or a fake priest. Not in America. Further, this seminarian was (to my understanding) over 18 at the time of the incident. Legally, he was an adult and therefore legally able to give his consent/ refusal to what happened.
"It is not illegal anymore to be a homosexual" Well you can breathe a sigh of relief, at least for now, as it's status in eternity has never changed. Perhaps you should phone the DA to explain to him why he shouldn't waste his time investigating? Or perhaps he knows a bit more about the law than you do? Or perhaps putting pressure on homo-predation is a GOOD thing, regardless of erroneous legal …More
"It is not illegal anymore to be a homosexual" Well you can breathe a sigh of relief, at least for now, as it's status in eternity has never changed. Perhaps you should phone the DA to explain to him why he shouldn't waste his time investigating? Or perhaps he knows a bit more about the law than you do? Or perhaps putting pressure on homo-predation is a GOOD thing, regardless of erroneous legal technicalities? Don't you have anything better to do?
JTLiuzza. First, I'm not a homosexual... Though I will confess both here and before The Almighty to gloating while I'm exposing your obvious ignorance.
Second, I was explaining to Lalanz why the FBI/ US law enforcement will not raid "all the corrupt Catholic Church’s and jail all the homosexual fake priests".This is a matter of secular law, not Canon law or even God's law. If you fully understood …More
JTLiuzza. First, I'm not a homosexual... Though I will confess both here and before The Almighty to gloating while I'm exposing your obvious ignorance.

Second, I was explaining to Lalanz why the FBI/ US law enforcement will not raid "all the corrupt Catholic Church’s and jail all the homosexual fake priests".This is a matter of secular law, not Canon law or even God's law. If you fully understood that distinction you might not have posted otherwise.

Third, misuing the law to put "pressure" on things that are not, ipso facto, illegal is never a good thing. You've indicted yourself as dim-witted and short-sighted by suggesting otherwise. Again, it's ignorance on your part, ignorance of legal history. Your kind seem to think the law is always going to be your tool and not someone else's.

Such malicious "pressure" can (and inevitably will) get used against Christians with far more regularity than it ever will homosexuals or any other group. Those "erroneous legal technicalities" as you call them are important safeguards for the Church in America. They protect us against your vindictive, malicious misuse of the law, your obvious willingness to trample over the rights of others.

There are many who would gladly embrace your use of "pressure", take the tool you foolishly gave them, and use it against us all.

Fourth, while the DA might know a great deal more about the law than I do, likewise I know a great deal more about its practical workings than you could ever hope to. (see my previous point about "pressure".)

Investigations are often conducted entirely for publicity purposes. Gullible folks like yourself conflate an "investigation" with an inevitable indictment. The news trumpets the investigation very loudly and then, weeks later, somehow forgets to mention nothing ever came from it.

While sexual harassment is illegal under workplace law, these seminarians were not employees. There are already laws covering the physical offenses (e.g. forcible touching) against another person, but they're notoriously difficult to prove under the circumstances.

Fifth, yes I do have something better to do, again thanks to you. Clarifying the law to Lalanz pales in comparison to using it as a showcase for your stupidity.
Good, I hope the FBI and all of American law enforcement agencies raid all the corrupt Catholic Church’s and jail all the homosexual fake priests!!!!
How's this possible
The churches hierarchy is supposed to defrock criminals within the Vatican. In our current situation, the hierarchy seem to be the criminals. Local and national law enforcement have every right to step in and jail criminals, even the Pope. This is how it’s possible....
Well, the pope is exempt by law because he is the souverain of a souverain state, but don´t worry, we know how poor american school education is.