WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION: Why They Destroyed Liturgy First. From the Catholic Identity Conference 2018, Father Gregory Pendergraft of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter breaks down how the Revolution …More
WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION: Why They Destroyed Liturgy First.
From the Catholic Identity Conference 2018, Father Gregory Pendergraft of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter breaks down how the Revolution used the New Mass to undermine the faith of millions. Father makes the poignant observation that whereas most lay Catholics were exposed to the New Mass only one hour per week, the Catholic priest was exposed to it every day--which is why the priesthood has been all but destroyed over the past half century. Father then explains how from Vatican II moving forward, the war against the priesthood become more profound and pronounced as time went on. The removing of the sacred language, the nixing of the minor orders, the removal of the prayers at the foot of the altar as well as multiple references to sacrifice--it was all done on purpose to destroy the priesthood and transfer the Mass into something very much like Thomas Cranmer’s Protestant service. This is the sermon for all those who've …More
Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi, Lex Vivendi
Sad truth.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
God will judge the Catholic hierarchy responsible for pushing many souls into Hell. St. Michael is ready...