Marian Aparitions in the Ukraine. TheWorkOfGod Jul 6, 2007 Taken from the amazing video "Marian Apparitions of the 20th Century". A Message of Urgency.More
Marian Aparitions in the Ukraine.
TheWorkOfGod Jul 6, 2007 Taken from the amazing video "Marian Apparitions of the 20th Century". A Message of Urgency.
'MESSAGE' OF MARY IN JAPAN BORE INEXPLICABLE LINKS TO OTHER CASES AND THIRD FATIMA SECRET By Michael H. Brown Years ago, when Howard Q. Dee, ambassador from the Philippines to the Vatican, was chatting with a high Church official named Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Dee brought up the third secret of Fatima, which at the time was still just that: a secret. He also mentioned a recent revelation from …More
'MESSAGE' OF MARY IN JAPAN BORE INEXPLICABLE LINKS TO OTHER CASES AND THIRD FATIMA SECRET By Michael H. Brown Years ago, when Howard Q. Dee, ambassador from the Philippines to the Vatican, was chatting with a high Church official named Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Dee brought up the third secret of Fatima, which at the time was still just that: a secret. He also mentioned a recent revelation from Japan, wherein a great catastrophe was foreseen. This was Akita, where a deaf nun, Sister Agnes Sasagawa, said she "heard" the voice of Mary speak from a statue that wept both tears and blood. Cardinal Ratzinger (now, of course, Benedict XVI) had allowed the local bishop, John Ito, of Niigata, to issue a pastoral letter approving the Akita phenomena, at least in part. "I surmised that Cardinal Ratzinger's approval of the pastoral must be because he recognized the Fatima third secret in the Akita message, a proof of its authenticity," wrote Ambassador Dee. "To confirm this assumption, during my farewell visit to Cardinal Ratzinger at the end of my Vatican stint as Philippine ambassador, I asked the good cardinal about the correlation of the Fatima and Akita messages. I knew it was a delicate question as his answer might reveal indirectly the content of the third secret. To my happy surprise, he confirmed that these two messages were essentially the same." In fact, to a degree, they were: Sister Sasagawa had said she was told, "if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all of humanity. It will be a greater punishment than the Deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the sign left by my Son. Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops, and the priests." The message went on to warn that the devil would infiltrate the Church, cause great division, "sack" altars, and lead many religious to leave their vocations -- something that indeed was at full pace around and just after the revelation. And, there were definitely similarities to Fatima. The message of potential "fire" from the sky fits with the image in the third Fatima secret that displayed an angel "with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendor that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the angel cried out in a loud voice: 'Penance, Penance, Penance!'" The Fatima secret -- as we learned in June of 2000 -- also included the image of "a big city half in ruins" and persecution of the Pope, priests, and women religious. Many have made the obvious connection between such images and the potential of nuclear war or disaster. That there is a connection between the two revelations seemed implicit in the fact that one of the crucial messages given to Sister Sasagawa took place on October 13, 1973 -- anniversary of the last formal Fatima apparition and the miracle of the sun, which Dee interpreted as perhaps symbolizing "fire" from the sky. "I consider the Akita message the most important message given by Our Lady after the Fatima message," said Ambassador Dee (who reaffirmed what Cardinal Ratzinger told him in a conversation with me in the 1990s). "In spite of the apocalyptic overtone, the Holy See has endorsed it to the faithful, without fanfare for the same reason that it does not want to release the third secret of Fatima -- to avoid sensationalism. In Akita, the Blessed Mother said the Heavenly Father is very angry with this egoistic and arrogant world. The Akita message bore even more striking similarities to what has been called the Neues Europa secret -- a version of the Fatima secret that allegedly was leaked in 1963 to a German publication by that name, which claimed the text had been cabled to President John Kennedy and Russian leader Nikita Krushchev, ostensibly to dissuade the two superpowers from just what the Fatima secret implied: a nuclear exchange. Both Fatima seer Lucia dos Santos and the Vatican dismissed the Neues Europa "secret" as bogus, and in fact it contained highly sensational prophecies and at least one major mistake (stating that the secret was given at Fatima on October 13, 1917, when in fact the secret was granted to the young seers the previous July 13). The bishop of the diocese encompassing Fatima called this version of the secret "an invention" that "had nothing to do with the contents of the message." This was repeated in Rome by Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, then prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (a position later occupied by Cardinal Ratzinger). What Neues Europa claimed, on October 15, 1963, was that a great punishment was coming to mankind in the second half of the twentieth century and the punishment would involve a "big, big war" and that "fire and smoke will fall from the sky and the waters of the oceans will be turned to steam -- hurling their foam towards the sky, and all that is standing will be overthrown. Millions and more millions of men will lose their lives from one hour to the next, and those who remain living at that moment will envy those who are dead. There will be tribulation wherever the eye can see and misery over the earth and desolation in all countries." Half of mankind, claimed the Neues Europa "secret," would be killed in a matter of hours. It also said, "There will come a time of hardest trials for the Church. Cardinals will be against cardinals, and bishops against bishops. Satan will put himself in their midst. In Rome, also, there will be big changes. What is rotten will fall, and what will fall must not be maintained. The Church will be darkened and the world plunged into confusion. The time of times is coming and the end of all ends." This bears obvious similarities to Sister Sasagawa's prophecies, including her message, on October 13, 1973, whereby she quoted Mary as warning that "the work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by the confreres... churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord." It is not known if Sister Sasagawa -- way out there in Japan, in a secluded convent -- had read the Neues Europa "secret" (which was issued ten years before her revelation). It is indisputable that we have seen a Church where priests attack other priests (particularly Marian ones), cardinals have been at odds, and in Sister Sasagawa's own case, bishops argued over the credibility of her experiences, which Rome too initially resisted, and which still face stiff opposition. When, some years ago, I checked with the Most Reverend Francis Keiichi Sato, who had succeeded Bishop Ito (but is himself now retired), he sent me a letter saying, "As you may know, opinions are divided on both sides of the question. As pastor of the people on both sides of the question, I have tried to maintain a delicate balance between giving freedom to devotions at Akita, and leaving it to time to clarify the nature of the events." With his letter was an official statement affirming that the statue, from which came the prophetic voice, did indeed exhibit inexplicable phenomena. "The fact that the wooden statue of Our Lady shed tears is undeniable," he wrote. "It is something that occurred over and over (101 times) between 1975 and 1981, with a great number of witnesses." That means there is partial and tentative approval of Akita and that it is therefore worthy of consideration. The Akita statue is fashioned after another reported revelation that occurred in Amsterdam beginning on March 25, 1945, to a woman name Ida Peerleman -- who, like Sister Sasagawa, experienced both support and rejection from Church authorities, including authorities in Rome (at one point with the faithful forbidden to have anything to do with her claims to have seen the Blessed Mother as "Our Lady of All Nations"). The apparition, which has been approved by the current bishop (who reversed previous rejections), also foresaw great spiritual warfare -- particularly in the Church -- and apocalyptic-like disasters. It stated at one point that there would be "a complete revolution in Russia" one day and that "nature too will change." She saw a "great disaster of nature will take place." She also foresaw a Pope sitting on the Throne of St. Peter with the word "Violence" over his head. Added Ida at another juncture, "In the distance I see a multitude of Eastern Peoples. 'These will rouse,' says the Lady. I see very far away. Then a skull appears and I hear the Lady say, 'A great disaster will occur; that will startle them." She saw a "peculiar cloud hanging over the world." She also said to watch for meteorites. At one point, Ida saw a missile. More hopefully, she also envisioned the conversion of England, Japan, and America. Fascinating it is that on October 11, 1993, during a meeting with Filipino Cardinal Ricardo Vidal, Sister Lucia of Fatima was quoted as saying that when Pope John Paul II consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart in 1984, his action thwarted a major and imminent conflict. "The consecration of 1984," said Sister Lucia (one of history's most famous seers), "prevented an atomic war that would have occurred in 1985." According to a periodical called Stimme des Glaubens, during a visit to Fulda, Germany, in November of 1980, this same Pope allegedly was asked by a group of pilgrims why the third secret had not been revealed (at that point). John Paul II supposedly replied, "Given the gravity of its contents, so as not to encourage the worldwide power of Communism to take certain steps, my predecessors in the chair of Peter preferred, out of diplomacy, to delay its publication. On the other hand, all Christians must be content with this: if it is a question of a message where it is said that the oceans will entirely flood certain parts of the earth, that from moment to moment millions will die, hearing this, people should not long for the rest of the secret." Allegedly, he also told the pilgrims he was ready for martyrdom (this just before the assassination attempt on him). Through prayer, he said, it would be possible to diminish a coming trial for the Church, which he said would have to be renewed with blood. "Be strong!" John Paul II supposedly added. "Be prepared! We should trust ourselves to Christ and His mother, pray often, and say the Rosary. Then, although we have done little, we have done everything." While the fall of Communism brought a period of tranquil relations between the nuclear superpowers, it is interesting to note that on April 26, 1987 another well-known apparition occurred in a small, peasant hamlet called Hrushiw in the Ukraine (which at the time was part of the Soviet Union). That was the first anniversary of the disaster at Chernobyl. Was this another apparitional hint -- that mankind faced something to do with radiation, or even a star falling as in Revelation 8:11? ("Chernobyl" is the Ukrainian word for a bitter herb known as "wormwood," which is also referred to in this verse from Revelation as poisoning a third of the waters.) Many years before, a woman in another Ukrainian village, Dubovytsya, had a well-known vision during which the Virgin said, "Disaster is upon you as in the time of Noah. Not by flood but by fire will the destruction come. An immense flood of fire shall destroy nations for sinning against God." Although the current events in Japan -- including great nuclear troubles -- do not fit the description of a fire that wipes out "a great part of humanity," Akita, located less than two hundred miles west of the now tsunami-devastated city of Sendai, may be accented as an indication of what still may be ahead for the world. It is difficult to tell. There remains controversy. The current bishop is reportedly negative, and the convent off limits. Last we heard, Sister Sasagawa was no longer there. If nothing else, we know the part of the Akita message that today resounds -- conflict in the Church, and on occasion, bishops versus bishops. [see also: The messages of Akita and The third secret of Fatima] [resources: The Final Hour]
2 more comments from Irapuato
The October Revolution was a masonic revolution. Lenin and Trotsky were both Freemasons of the 33rd degree. Communism was not created by political theorists but by masonic sectaries, whose purpose was to exterminate the Christian religion by first overthrowing the Christian monarchies, abolishing international boundaries, and erecting a Godless one-world republic. Communism is not a mere social …More
The October Revolution was a masonic revolution. Lenin and Trotsky were both Freemasons of the 33rd degree. Communism was not created by political theorists but by masonic sectaries, whose purpose was to exterminate the Christian religion by first overthrowing the Christian monarchies, abolishing international boundaries, and erecting a Godless one-world republic. Communism is not a mere social revolution. It is a masonic revolution whose purpose is to carry out Freemasonry’s stated program to abolish all governments, property, and religion, and to build a new Godless order on the ruins of the old order.
Richard Wurmbrandt, who has studied carefully the writings of Karl Marx and who, himself, had been tortured terribly in the prison camps of the communists, wrote in his book, Was Karl Marx a Satanist? — "The ultimate aim of communism is not to establish another social or economic system, it is to mock God and praise Satan."
Now that Russia is no longer officially communist, one must not forget that Russia is still in the grips of masonic leaders. They may have changed the description of what they are doing, they may have changed the shell, but the substance remains.
In The Fatima Crusader, Josyp Terelya says that Russia is still deeply in the grips of Freemasonry. Nothing essential has really changed. The program of Masonry has been carried out openly for the last 200 years. The Patriarchs of Freemasonry commissioned Adam Weishaupt to establish a masonic sect called the Order of the Illuminati on May 1, 1776. The sect operated according to their program to abolish religion, property, and government. The Order and its devilish plans were discovered by the Bavarian government in 1785 and the Illuminati was scattered and regrouped under the name, The League of Just Men. Weishaupt died in 1830 but the Order survived. Later they changed their name to the League of Communists and they commissioned a document called the Communist Manifesto. Eventually they called themselves the Communist Party. Karl Marx became their official theoretician, and it is in the writings of Marx that we find exposed the true purpose of communism.
It is very interesting when you consider that the program and purpose of communism is identical to the program of Freemasonry and is also identical to the program of International Zionism. The deeper you examine these organizations the more you see that they have the self-same program and the self-same purpose. And they are all demonic.
The Devil’s Poet
In a poem entitled Invocation of One in Despair, Karl Marx wrote, "I wish to avenge myself against the one who rules above. A God has snatched from me my all, in the curse and rock of destiny. Nothing but revenge is left to me." In another poem called, The Prayer, Marx says, "The vapors of hell rise and fill my brain until I go mad and my Heart is utterly changed. See this sword, the prince of darkness sold it to me."
In another poem called The Invocation, Marx makes the words of Lucifer his own, just like we read in Isaiah; "I will ascend into Heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God". In The Invocation, Marx says, "I shall build my throne high overhead, cold, tremendous shall its summit be, for its bulwark, superstitious dread, for its marshall, blackest agony."
We can already see his program through these poetic terms. Superstitious dread, of course, is the satanic cult of the secret societies and by blackest agony, he means the cruel tyranny that will destroy all religious, civil and human rights. It will be total tyranny. Of course God answered to Lucifer in the above cited verse of Isaiah, "How thou art fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, thou shalt be brought down to hell in the depth of the pit."
Similarly Karl Marx recognized that his destiny was the same. In a poem with a very strange name Oulanem, Marx writes, "Ruined, ruined, my time has clean run out. Soon I shall embrace eternity to my breast and soon I shall howl gigantic curses on mankind." In the same poem Marx writes, "Ah, eternity, she is our eternal grief". And, "indescribable and immeasurable death, ourselves being clockwork, blindly mechanical, having no purpose save to happen, to be ruined, so there shall be something to ruin."
Marx, like other satanists, loved to use inversion, and thus is the strange name Oulanem. It is the inversion of the prophetic name given by Isaiah to Jesus Christ — Emanuel. You spell it backwards, then you reverse the syllables, and then you spell that backwards, and you have changed Emanuel into Oulanem. It is a triple reversal of Emanuel.
In another poem called, The Pale Maiden, Marx says, "Thus Heaven I forfeited, I know it full well, my soul once faithful to God, is chosen for Hell."
In these poems Marx states the true purpose of his life’s work. "Soon I shall howl gigantic curses on mankind. If there is something which devours, I’ll leap within it. Though I bring the world to ruins, the world which bulks between me and the abyss, I will smash to pieces with enduring curses. I’ll throw my arms around its harsh reality. Embracing me the world will dumbly pass away and then sink down to utter nothingness. Perished."
These are the words of Karl Marx and you can find them with all the references to the original text of Marx in Richard Wurmbrandt’s book, Was Karl Marx a Satanist?
It is essential, Richard Wurmbrandt points out, to state emphatically that Marx and his confreres, while anti-God, were not atheists as they publicly pretended to be. They hated a God in whom they believed. Marx’s philosophy is a deliberate inversion of the truth. Marx was fascinated with the inversion that is common to satanists. Inversions so permeated Marx’s whole manner of thinking, says Wurmbrandt, that he used them everywhere. He answers Proudhon’s book The Philosophy of Misery with another book entitled The Misery of Philosophy. He also wrote, "We have to use instead of the weapon of criticism, the criticism of weapons." In other words, very clearly on other occasions, Marx said that their purpose was not to explain history but to change it. Therefore, truth is settled by arms, if someone disagrees with you, you shoot them and they’re gone. This is, "the criticism of weapons."
Consequently, while Marx’s doctrine teaches that, "man is a supreme being for man," and this is a direct quotation from his work, Zur Kritik der Hegelschen Rechtsphilosophie, he says that the suppression of religion as an illusory happiness of the people is a pre-supposition of true happiness. So, on the one hand, Karl Marx is saying that in order to liberate the human race we must get rid of the illusory happiness promised by religion. But in reality, in his poems Marx states his true purpose which is the eternal ruin and the destruction of the human race and the entire world.
According to Marx’s doctrine of communism, the ultimate purpose of the socialist revolution is to emancipate man by suppressing religion. As he stated, "the critique of Heaven transforms itself into the critique of earth, the critique of theology into the critique of politics. Thus the fight against religion is indirectly the fight against the world of which religion is the spiritual aroma."
This means that since God is an illusion for Marx, man must be the supreme being for man. Christian civilization must be overthrown and destroyed in order to abolish and exterminate religion from the face of the earth. Thus we see that the communist program is identical to the program of Freemasonry, whose stated program is to destroy governments and altars.
The Communist movement is really a camouflaged version of the Masonic revolution. It presents itself to the world as the class struggle of the proletariat but underneath the shell there is nothing but the identical program of Freemasonry to abolish religion, to mock God, and to adore satan.
Heaven’s Response
Lenin established Russia as the headquarters of the world revolution against religion. But God elected the Russian nation for a holy purpose. This is why Our Lady of Fatima revealed that the Pope and the bishops must consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This consecration is the only way that Russia will be solemnly established in its God-given vocation; a vocation which is entirely opposite to what Lenin had planned.
Russia is in a terrible condition and things will certainly become worse. But Our Blessed Mother says that God promises to save Russia by means of the Collegial Consecration requested at Fatima. As Our Lady Herself said, "He promises to save Russia by this means." In Fatima the Mother of God revealed what must be done in order to obtain the conversion of Russia and world peace. She has spoken elsewhere about the same problem of Russia. As Cardinal Ratzinger stated, "The Secret of Fatima corresponds to what has been revealed in many other Marian apparitions." Josyp Terelya himself has seen the Blessed Virgin when She appeared in Hrushiv, Ukraine. Here is part of what She said to him. "How many warnings will mankind be given before it repents? But the world continues in its self-will and hedonism. Oppression and war are the never-ending preoccupation of people. Russia continues to refuse to recognize My Son. She rejects true charity and continues to live its demonic existence. Did I not ask for prayers for the lost Russian people on other occasions?" Here I can add, "Yes." She asked precisely that at Fatima. She continued, "If Russia does not accept Christ the King, the entire world faces ruin. Antichrist has power and is opposed to the will of the Eternal One. The Antichrist is sowing envy and dissension."
We can recall how Sister Lucy on various occasions was questioned about the Secret. Since she could not reveal precisely its contents, she simply said, "It is in Sacred Scripture. It is in the Apocalypse." And she singled out chapters 8 to 13. What we read in those chapters is the establishment of the worldwide evil empire of the Antichrist; political, economic, military, and religious tyranny to establish the kingdom of Satan in the world, to remove God as the object of the worship of the human race and to put Satan in the place of God through his visible representative, the Antichrist.
Cardinal Ratzinger has stated that the revelation of Fatima corresponds to many previous apparitions of Our Lady. In fact, it corresponds to what has been foretold for many centuries by the Saints.
St. Methodius who died in 385 A.D. said, "A time will come when enemies of Christ will boast, we have subjected the earth and all its inhabitants and the Christians cannot escape our hands." The Venerable Bartholomeus Holzhauser, who died in 1658, wrote in his commentary on the Apocalypse, "When everything has been ruined by war, when Catholics are hard pressed by traitorist co-religionists and heretics, when the Church and her servants are denied their rights, the monarchies have been abolished and their rulers murdered, then the hand of the Almighty will work a marvellous change." Something apparently impossible according to human understanding.
Significant is the prophecy of Bishop George Michael Wittman who died in 1833. He said, "Woe is me, sad days are at hand for the Holy Church of Jesus Christ. The Passion of Jesus Christ will be renewed in the most dolorous manner in the Church and in her supreme head. In all parts of the world there will be wars and revolutions and much blood will be shed. Distress, disasters and poverty will be everywhere great since pestilential maladies, scarcity, and other misfortunes will follow one after another. Violent hands will be laid on the supreme head of the Catholic Church, bishops and priests will be persecuted and schism will be provoked and confusion reign amid all classes. Times will become so preeminently bad that it will seem as if the enemies of Christ and His Holy Church which He founded with His Blood were about to overcome Her. Secret societies will wreak great ruin and exercise a marvellous military power, and through that many will be blinded and infected with the most horrible errors. However, all this shall avail nought. They cannot shake the rock whereon Christ has founded His Church."
Blessed Anna Maria Taigi who died in 1837 prophesied and said, "God will ordain two punishments. One in the form of wars, revolution and other evils. The other will be sent from Heaven. There shall come over all the earth an intense darkness lasting three days and three nights. Nothing will be visible and the air will be laden with pestilence which will claim principally but not exclusively the enemies of religion."
Something of this nature we also see is foretold in the Old Testament. "The sun will lose its light." And this also seems to be corresponding to a very apocalyptic book, the Book of the Prophet Joel. The warning that Our Lady made at Fatima indicates, unlike prophecies of the saints who foretold these things to take place in a later age, that these things are now about to take place and She provided us with a remedy; the only remedy that will work to prevent these things happening in our generation.
In 1945, only a few months after World War II had ended, when many people thought that the tribulation for some time at least would be over, Pope Pius XII stated in his Christmas message to the Cardinals, "The world is on the verge of a frightful abyss. Men must prepare themselves for suffering such as mankind has never seen."
On November 11, 1984, Cardinal Ratzinger stated in his interview that the things contained in the Third Secret correspond to what has been announced in Scripture and what has been said again and again in many Marian apparitions. I would like to quote one of those apparitions which has been formally approved by the Church.
In the city of Quito, Ecuador, a church was built in honor of this apparition. It is called "Our Lady of Good Fortune". On February 2, 1634, the Mother of God revealed to Mother Marianna de Jesus Torres, "At the end of the 19th Century and for a large part of the 20th, various heresies will flourish on this earth. The precious light of the Faith will go out in souls because of the almost total moral corruption. In those times, there will be great physical and moral calamities in private and in public. The little number of souls keeping the Faith and practicing the virtues will undergo cruel and unspeakable suffering. Through their drawn out martyrdom, many of them will go to their death because of the violence of their sufferings and those will count as martyrs who give their lives for Church or for country. To escape from being enslaved by these heresies will call for great strength of will, constancy, courage and great trust in God, all of which are gifts from the merciful Love of My Divine Son to those He will have chosen for the work of restoration. There will come moments when everything seems lost and paralyzed, and just then comes the beginning of the complete restoration. Having gained control of all social classes, the sects will tend to penetrate with great skill into the heart of families and destroy even the children. The innocence of childhood will almost disappear, thus priestly vocations will be lost. It will be a real disaster. Priests will abandon their duties and will depart from the path marked out for them by God. Then the Church will go through a dark night for lack of a Prelate Father to watch over it with love, gentleness, strength, and prudence, and numbers of priests will lose the spirit of God, thus placing their souls in great danger. To scatter these black clouds blocking the brilliant dawning of the freedom of the Church there will be a terrible war in which the blood of priests and religious will flow. That night will be so horrible that wickedness will seem triumphant. Then will come My time. In astounding fashion I shall destroy satan’s pride, casting him beneath My feet, chaining him up in the depths of hell, leaving Church and country freed at last from his cruel tyranny."
St. Hildegard of Bingham who died in 1189 wrote, "People will renounce the authority of the Pope. Individual countries will prefer their own church rulers to the Pope."
As Venerable Holzhauser said, "Catholics will be hard pressed by traitorists, co-religionists and heretics." Here we see foretold division in the Church. St. Hildegard said these things would take place and gave the sign to watch for when these things will take place. She said - after Germany will have been divided, and, of course, Germany was divided after the Second World War.
We have seen a profound crisis engulf and paralyze the Church from within. Father Cornelio Fabro, one of the most respected scholars of the Catholic world, pointed out in his work, "The Church is presently undergoing the gravest crisis that it has ever faced in its history."
Pope Paul VI himself lamented the fact that the Church seemed to be undergoing its own auto-demolition.
Masonry wishes to destroy the Catholic religion in order to establish a New World Order with a devilish religion throughout the world. This will be the basis for the worldwide rule of the Antichrist. Our Lady of Fatima says that She alone can help us. Those were Her words.
Political and military means will not be enough. As Our Lord said, "Those who use the sword will die by the sword." It is written in Sacred Scripture in the book of the Apocalypse, "It will be by the Faith and the patience of the saints that the wicked empire of the Antichrist will be overcome and by obedience to God’s will." At Fatima Our Lady indicated that this will materialize in the Consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart. She alone can help us.
Ukraine:Our Lady of Hrushiv-Apparitions of Warning and Consolation in the Ukraine Saturday, 03 June 2006 00:00 On May 12, 1914, two weeks before the First World War, twenty-two people in the village of Hrushiv who were mowing fields near the local church witnessed an apparition of the Virgin. The Virgin told them: "There will be a war. Russia will become a godless country and the Ukraine, as a nation …More
Ukraine:Our Lady of Hrushiv-Apparitions of Warning and Consolation in the Ukraine Saturday, 03 June 2006 00:00 On May 12, 1914, two weeks before the First World War, twenty-two people in the village of Hrushiv who were mowing fields near the local church witnessed an apparition of the Virgin. The Virgin told them: "There will be a war. Russia will become a godless country and the Ukraine, as a nation, will suffer terribly for eighty years and will have to live through the world wars, but it will be free afterward." Then on April 27, 1987, exactly one year after the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster, the Virgin appeared to twelve-year-old Marina Kizyn above a small church. Subsequently, nearly five hundred thousand people witnessed the apparition as the Virgin appeared daily until August 15, often before crowds of tens of thousands at a time. The Virgin said, "I have come on purpose to thank the Ukrainian people because you have suffered most for the church of Christ in the last seventy years. I have come to comfort you and to tell you that your suffering will soon come to an end. Ukraine will become an independent state." Description of the Virgin Before she arrived, a bright light covered the church and surrounding areas; this light was even seen in a television program. The Virgin appeared from within the light and floated above the church. Messages About the Chernobyl catastrophe she said, "Do not forget those who have died in the Chernobyl disaster. Chernobyl is a reminder and a sign for the whole world." "Forgive your enemies. Through you and the blood of the martyrs will come the conversion of Russia. Repent and love one another. The times are coming which have been foretold as being those in the end times. See the desolation which surrounds the world... the sin, the sloth, the genocide. Pray for Russia. Oppression and wars continue to occupy the minds and hearts of many people. Russia, despite everything, continues to deny my Son. Russia rejects real life and continues to live in darkness.... If there is not a return to Christianity in Russia there will be a Third World War and the whole world will face ruin." "Teach the children to pray. Teach them to live in truth and live yourselves in truth. Say the Rosary. It is the weapon against Satan. He fears the Rosary. Recite the Rosary at any gathering of people." "I have come to comfort you and to tell you that your suffering will end soon. I shall protect you for the glory and the future of God's kingdom on earth, which will last for a thousand years. The Kingdom of Heaven and Earth is close at hand. It will come only through penance and the repentance of sin." "This wicked world is feasting on depravity and impurity. Many lies are proclaimed against the Truth. The innocent are condemned. Many come as false messiahs and false prophets. Be diligent. Be on your guard." "Happy are they whose lives are blameless and who walk in fear of the Lord." "My children, all of you are dear to me and please my heart. I make no distinction of race or religion. You here in Ukraine have received the knowledge of the One, True Apostolic Church. You have been shown the door to Heaven. You must follow this path, even though it may be painful." "The Eternal God is calling you. This is why I have been sent to you. You in the Ukraine were the first nation to be entrusted to me. Throughout your long persecution you have not lost faith, hope, or love. I always pray for you, my dear children, wherever you are." Roy Varghese is a prolific author in the areas of religion, science and Mariology. This article was excerpted from the text God Sent, Crossroad, 2000.…/our-lady-of-hru…