The Devil. A great war arose in Heaven. Even the angels suffered a trial, some desired to be equal to God, they did not abide in the truth (John 8:44); and in this trial a large number of angels fell.…More
The Devil.
A great war arose in Heaven. Even the angels suffered a trial, some desired to be equal to God, they did not abide in the truth (John 8:44); and in this trial a large number of angels fell. “And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, who seduceth the whole world; and he was cast unto the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him” (Apoc. 12:9); and on the Last Day the evil angels will be judged (2 Pet. 2:4). Their leader is Satan, or Lucifer, for that was his name before he fell, and he was the highest of all the angels. They are our enemies and to deny the existence of the evil angels and of Satan is a grievous sin against the faith. Yet with all their spite they can do nothing against God, so they vent their fury at us and they assault the Holy Catholic Church; Satan’s greatest object is to effect Her ruin. It is a great thing to treat the devil and his temptations with great contempt; Our Lord dispatched the devil very …More
We may be protected from the assaults of the devil by means of the holy sign of the cross. St. Augustine says, “Even to remember the cross of Christ puts our hellish foe to flight, and gives us strength to resist his temptations.”
We may be protected from the assaults of the devil by means of the holy sign of the cross. St. Augustine says, “Even to remember the cross of Christ puts our hellish foe to flight, and gives us strength to resist his temptations.”
